What’s next? For us, the on-the-ground i-ACT team, we start our jumps back our normal reality. This morning, we got in a small plane back to Abeche, the biggest little town in the east. Tomorrow, we get in a slightly bigger plane back to N’Djamena, the capital of Chad. A couple of days later, we […]
Category: i-ACT 3: July 10 – 20, 2007
Gabriel returns to the refugee camps on the Chad – Darfur border, this time with Connie and Yuen-Lin. Follow our journey as we visit with the surviving victims of this genocide and hear their stories. Take action to bring positive change to the region so the refugees can return safely to their homes.
Interviews begin in Day 2 with a powerful statement by Ann Mayman – Senior Officer of the UN High Commission for Refugees – of the deteriorating situation on the ground in Eastern Chad.
Current genocide statistics (中文)
- Death toll: up to 400,000 people since February 2003
- Death rate: 500 people die each day, 15,000 each month
- Displaced: more than 2.5 million people
My fault :)
Hey everyone. Day 10 was late in going up. We had a full day at the camp, and we then had two conference calls, one with the SDC and their Torch Relay campaign and the other with 20 Women for Darfur. I then spent some time with our wonderful hosts, Hala and Jorge from UNHCR. […]
More of Connie’s Responses
Connie replies to Gina, Lisa, tony and Lisa (again :)).
Yuen-Lin’s Day 8 journal
Some experiences have become a common feature over the past few days visiting the camps. One is being accompanied by a lively entourage of kids wherever we go. The group starts in the morning, as we get down from our car. It grows and subsides throughout the day, but there are some who stay the […]
It may be the last day of our trip, but i-Act continues through your efforts. Step up your own activism to end this genocide now. What can you do to get more involved in your local community? Nationally? Internationally?Here are few ideas: Invite Gabriel to your school, college or other venue to host a Camp […]
Connie’s Day 10 Journal

Common people making connections. Everything has gone so right here at our last camp! The outlook coming in was challenging but all has fallen into place. Today is our last day at the camps and there is so much we still would like to accomplish. I hope that we made the best and also the […]
Jour9, 18 juillet 2007 Les visages des enfants ponctuent la vidéo. Ce sont les retrouvailles avec un habitant du Darfour, qui voudrait retourner immédiatement, malgré les conditions. Sur les accords actuellement en question, le réfugié assure que, en réalité, les conditions de vie n’ont pas changé. Leur détermination est réelle, mais le gouvernement, à leurs […]
Resumen del dia 10.
Llegó Hala, ella es la encargada de UNHCR de los refugiados de este campamento. Nos dio como quien dice un tour de los servicios que dan. Atención médica muy limitada y elemental, o sea si a alguien le da un apendicitis lo mas probable es que se muera. También tienen programas para los niños más […]
Connie’s Responses to day 9
Connie replies to Mimi Schiff, Ira, KTJ, MaryAnn, Lisa, Pam, Amy, Mimish, Zahara and Charles (some multiple times, so do scroll to the bottom!)
Hi everyone, Gabriel, Connie and Yuen-Lin are on a flight right now. Our fearless field team will be uploading their video and blog entries a little later today. Please check back later. Thanks for following i-ACT, and we’ll see you later today! EDIT: Day 10 is now live! Watch it here.