加布里埃尔,康尼和源林返回Leila(莱拉)和Juma居住的营地. 莱拉是如此兴奋,衣衫未整就跑出门,迎接他们. 通过莱拉莱拉的母亲交谈时,我们发现,莱拉的妹妹出生在营地, 而莱拉本身生诞于苏丹达尔富尔,她的父亲和他们一起住在营地. 另一个难民说,他投奔营地,以躲避战火,以避免被杀死. 加布里埃尔回忆,难民营区热得令人窒息,而小朋友们在这热熬中背着自己的兄弟姐妹, 从来没有抱怨. 我们小组的三名成员被许多儿童包围. 像莱拉和Juma,成千上万的儿童生活在这些营地里.
Category: Day 8: July 17, 2007
Our team return to the first camp they visited on their trip and meet up again with Leila and her friends who are very excited to meet our team again. We even get footage from a budding director :)
The past few days we have asked you to connect to your local communities, friends, and refugees. Today, we are asking you to step into the future by demanding that the next President of USA actively participates in ending this genocide. We can start now by asking presidential candidates to screen their personal investments and, if necessary, divest from companies that perpetuate the genocide. Visit askthecandidates.org and sign the online petition requesting them to act.
Yuen-Lin’s Day 8 journal
Some experiences have become a common feature over the past few days visiting the camps. One is being accompanied by a lively entourage of kids wherever we go. The group starts in the morning, as we get down from our car. It grows and subsides throughout the day, but there are some who stay the […]
Connie responds to messages from Lisa, Riya, Tere, Mimish, Zahara, Sylvia, Pam, Joanna, Rachel and Sarah.
Jour n°8, 17 juillet 2007 Gabriel, Connie et Yuen-Lin retournent dans le camp où habitent Leila et Juma. Une conversation avec la mère de Leila nous apprend que Leila est née au Soudan, que son père vit dans le camp avec eux. Gabriel rappelle que la chaleur est étouffante et que de petits portent leurs […]
Gabriel’s Day 8 Journal

Flying, North of Abeche Hello Friends y Familia: You all make me feel supported and loved. I look forward to reading your comments everyday, and I check as often as possible. Each leg of this trip takes me physically farther and farther from what I know and feel as home. I also end up in […]

Leila. Recuerdan a Leila, pues regresamos al primer campamento para visitar con ella.Llegando de inmediato nos recibio Juma,Aquel nino que queria salir siempre en el video.Antes de que preguntaramos por Leila el dijo en Ingles que nos llevaba a su casa.La pobresita de Leila salio semivestida a buscarnos pues algun nino iria a avisarle que […]
Connie’s Journal day 8

Hey Leila, Got you on my mind…Leila. Well you know the routine by now (hardly any sleep etc. etc.). So we are off again. We left our camp, and started our way back to Abeche, but on the way, we stopped at the first camp we visited. We wanted to drop in with our friends […]