儿童的面孔点缀这录像里的北大荒漠. 加布里埃尔一行人再次与一位两年前遇见的达尔富尔难民从逢。捷克是着难民营里的老师及学校督学 。如果情况许可的话,捷克一心想回返达尔富尔的旧家园。 关于官方的协议, 难民一强调实际上,居住条件并没有改善. 如想改过立即 尽管这个条件. 对协议,目前的问题,确保难民说, 他们返家的决心是真实的,但在他们眼中, 政府并 没有给予足够的安全保障,使他们完全安全地重返故居, 达尔富尔. 加布里埃尔找到他2005年是已经见过的几名难民, 其中显示在该国境内的情况依旧仍然. 谈到说签订协议, 难民意论约束条件实地上看不出带来任何具体变化, 看来他们住在这些难民营中, 还有好一段日子.
Category: Day 9: July 18, 2007
Our team heads further North in Chad to visit their third camp, where they meet the school inspector, Jacob, and one of the tribal leaders in the camp. They tell us the conditions they left behind in Sudan and share with us their dream of returning to build a better Darfur.
For this violence to continue, the Khartoum government needs money and for the past 10 years, China has been the primary weapons supplier while providing the government with over 70% of its annual oil revenues. Read here for more details »
Jour9, 18 juillet 2007 Les visages des enfants ponctuent la vidéo. Ce sont les retrouvailles avec un habitant du Darfour, qui voudrait retourner immédiatement, malgré les conditions. Sur les accords actuellement en question, le réfugié assure que, en réalité, les conditions de vie n’ont pas changé. Leur détermination est réelle, mais le gouvernement, à leurs […]
Connie’s Responses to day 9
Connie replies to Mimi Schiff, Ira, KTJ, MaryAnn, Lisa, Pam, Amy, Mimish, Zahara and Charles (some multiple times, so do scroll to the bottom!)
For this violence to continue, the Khartoum government needs money. For the past 10 years, China has been the primary weapons supplier while providing the government with over 70% of its annual oil revenues. China is the host of the 2008 Summer Olympic games promoting the theme “One World, One Dream.” Can these games truly […]

Llegamos a Abeche de nuevo. Pasamos la noche, casi no dormimos, igual que todas las noches. Nuestro vuelo hacia el norte de Chad, salía a las ocho pero siempre tenemos mucha prisa porque como Gabriel y Yuen Lin trabajan casi siempre toda la noche, es una de cables que se tienen que guardar. También teníamos […]
Connie Journal

Camp #3 I slept only 2 hours got up at 4:30 to catch a flight to northern Chad (dejavu?). We are always running and packing last minute cables and wires and all that electronic stuff because usually either Gabe or Yuen-Lin or both are still working. I want to make a small sidetrack here to […]