Day 7: July 16, 2007 En Español

Resumen en Espanol dia 7

Adios. Este día empezó casi igual que todos los demás. Casi no dormimos pero listos para regresar por última vez a ver a nuestros amigos. De nuevo las multitudes donde quiera, las invitaciones de pasar a sus tiendas de campaña y muchas más historias personales de las odiseas y vicisitudes que han pasado. Una mujer […]

Day 7: July 16, 2007

Connie Journal

Goodbye. When I first came to this camp, I never had any idea that I would dread this day. These past few days have been grueling; little or no sleep, less food, extreme heat, the conditions here at our camp are elementary: we fetch our water and bathe with a bucket, no running water, the […]

Day 6: July 15, 2007 En Español

Resumen en Español, Día 6

La Escuelita. Nos fuimos muy temprano para acompañar a los niños a su escuela en la mañana. Ya nos esperaban. Nos fuimos caminando y a cada paso se unían más y más hasta que eran cientos de niños en camino a la escuelita. Ellos como cualquiera de nuestros niños, se reían, jugaban, se tomaban de […]

Day 6: July 15, 2007

Connie’s Journal

Today we started very early we wanted to walk to school with the kids, so we were there by 7:30.As always we were greeted like royalty. Alhafis, he was waiting, to show me a little car he had made out of some plastic bottle and you remember the little girl who showed me her homework? […]

Day 5: July 14, 2007 En Español

En Español 5

Animo! Fue un dia de sentimientos muy encontrados! Por un lado la alegria que les da recibir una foto,verse en los videos que tambien ven ustedes ,y el gusto de invitarnos a sus casas,si asi se les pueda llamar, pero la desesperacion de no poder hacer nada de inmediato para mejorar su susituacion. Hoy nos […]

Day 5: July 14, 2007

Connie’s Journal

Man-forgotten Today was full of mixed emotions. Returning with our friend’s, Gabe showed them videos of earlier trips and what we were showing people back home. We told them that we were taking their message back, I felt terrible! They were thanking us for doing this. But all I could think was: IT’S NOT ENOUGH! […]

Day 5: July 14, 2007

Connie’s Mini Journal Addition

Scaaaaaaaaaaary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Imagine. After all the emotions of the day we were driving back to the camp and were commenting on a bulldozer and steamroller that were on the side of the road, and that they were doing a very good job of flattening out the bumps to the dirt road, and also the ridiculous amount […]

En Español i-ACT 3: July 10 - 20, 2007

Video en Español

Day 4: July 13, 2007

Connie’s Journal

Can we relate in any way with all of our refugee friends? Last night was a little tough for me. I hate to whine especially after everything I’ve seen but I’m going to anyway. Yesterday we worked non-stop, everything was fine until we had to turn on the light. Hundreds of bugs came in from […]

Day 4: July 13, 2007 En Español

i-ACT3 Dia 4

Hola Amigos, Hoy fue un dia de muchas emocines (para variar).Llegamos al campamento y casi de inmediato Gabriel se encontro con varias mujeres con las que ya habia hecho amistad. Muchos de los que estan aqui en este campamento ya llevan mas de 48 meses.La pobre gente ya no puede con las terribles condiciones ; […]