[简介] 我们的小组队再度探访从我们(iACT) 2006年第4天 的妇女. 她们与我们分享他们的家和她们想离开营地的渴望. 再次, 没有采取行动所付出的代价变得非常清晰. 第四天 加布里埃尔指出他去年已经访问了这个难民营,并且见过她们. 其中有一名妇女刚生了婴儿,一个月大. 在这个社会里,妇女如姐妹般在一起照顾子女. 在其中一名年轻的妇女被采访的帐篷下,她们谈起她们的生活情况. 帐篷里 热得很,气温比外面高得多. 妇女们睡在沙土上,如果是湿了,他们就生病,他们解释说. 其中一名年轻女子问他们什么时候会将和平带来她的国家. 她前一年逃到难民营, 并把她拥有的一切抛在后头, 奔步三天才到达, 在这个营地住了一年. 这个录影带显示, 难民对前往的西方营地访客所抱着的希望. 这个年轻的妇女所问的问题, 就是一个活生生的呼吁. 她的父亲和弟弟都不在该营地. 接近她的一名孩子的父亲被杀死, 小孩住的帐篷里此并不远. 然后他们参观妇女们的厨房. 妇女问候Stacy (她去年和加布里埃尔参访营地) .
Category: Day 4: July 13, 2007
The team revisit the same group of women from Day 4 of i-ACT 2006. They share with us their home and their desperation to leave the camp. Again, the price of inaction becomes very clear.
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Jour 4, 13 Juillet 2007 Gabriel rappelle qu’il est déjà venu dans ce camp l’année passée, et reconnaît des femmes qui étaient déjà là. L’une d’entre elles a eu un bébé, âgée d’un mois. Dans cette communauté, les femmes sont soeurs et ont des enfants avec elles. Sous la tente où une des […]
Yuen-Lin’s Day 4 journal

If a person has experienced a lot of suffering for a prolonged period, one may expect it to leave a mark. If there has not been effective outside assistance in bringing peace to one’s homeland, one might at least be cautious towards outsiders. Not so with the people we have met and seen so far. […]
Mary Ann, If everyone could relate like you, these people would be back in Darfur. Amor y Paz,Connie Pam B., I’m happy I made it too.But remember I’m here bringing YOUR message. Amor y Paz,Connie. Mimi, It is great to be around the people they make you feel welcomed and they always are smiling but […]
Replies to Zahara, Mimi, Valeria, MaryAnn, Pam, Tammy, Rachel and Sylvia.
Ali’s Journal

Note: Ali is a member of the i-ACT team who acts as the team’s guide and interpreter. He lives in Chad with his family. For me it’s too difficult — “I need to go back to my home and when you will send me there? I stayed 4 years here and it is too much. […]
Gabriel’s Journal

Very Full Days After getting back from the camp, the sky became extremely dark, with thick clouds moving over us. A little later, it started to rain. We’re lucky that our little huts have a good roof, insulated with UNHCR green sheeting. We have continued to get wave after wave of bugs, all shapes and […]
Connie’s Journal

Can we relate in any way with all of our refugee friends? Last night was a little tough for me. I hate to whine especially after everything I’ve seen but I’m going to anyway. Yesterday we worked non-stop, everything was fine until we had to turn on the light. Hundreds of bugs came in from […]
i-ACT3 Dia 4

Hola Amigos, Hoy fue un dia de muchas emocines (para variar).Llegamos al campamento y casi de inmediato Gabriel se encontro con varias mujeres con las que ya habia hecho amistad. Muchos de los que estan aqui en este campamento ya llevan mas de 48 meses.La pobre gente ya no puede con las terribles condiciones ; […]