依照观众的要求,加布里埃尔再次访问曼苏尔,希望把他的画带回美国. 我们还听到更多可怕的故事,促使难民投奔营地的悲剧,. 第七天 他们今天参观的难民营里,妇女们讲述了他们逃生的经历.第一名有7个子女. 她带着孩子连夜逃跑,没有带任何食物.她的村庄寸草不留, 一切被骑马民兵(janjaweed)烧毁. 她还是要回去. 加布里埃尔决定回见曼苏尔(Mansur), 画战争图片的小孩. 一些美国观众看了录象都很感动,包挂加布里埃尔的侄子,迈克尔. 加布里埃尔问曼苏尔能不能给他一张图片,交给迈克尔, 让迈克尔作成一个T-恤穿, 以助迈克尔向他人解释曼苏尔的故事. 曼苏尔给了加布里埃尔两张. 加布里埃尔说,下次他会带来一些迈克尔的图画和T-恤给曼苏尔. 录象尾端给例出妇女及其子女的姓名, 使他们不再是匿名的面孔.
Category: Day 7: July 16, 2007
In response to requests from you, our viewers, Gabriel visits Mansur again, to bring his drawings back to US. We also hear more dreadful stories of the tragedy that brought the refugees to the camp.
You have been following Yuen Lin, Connie and Gabriel as they directly connect you to the women, children and men you have been affected by the violence in Darfur and Chad. Today, we encourage you to blog a message to them. Let them know they are not forgotten and that we promise to stand beside them through this experience, until the violene ends and they can go home. Speak Out. Connect. Share your life.
Yuen-Lin’s Day 7 journal
Pausing for a moment to put oneself in the shoes of another makes a big difference. It’s easy to see or hear something without reaching that point where you know how it feels. We all have empathy, and it allows us to come close to how another feels without being in the exact same situation […]
Song credits
We’d like to thank Obo Addy for letting us use his wonderful song in the video. Artist: Obo Addy & Okropong Album: Afieye Okroprong Song: Donno Sings, You’re Late
Jour n°7, 16 juillet 2007 Dans le camp visité ce jour là des femmes témoignent de leur fuite. La première a sept enfants. La nuit elle s’est enfuit avec eux, sans nourriture. Elle fuyait son village mis à sac et brûlé. Gabriel décida de revenir voir Mansur, l’enfant qui fit des dessins sur la guerre. […]
Who will return these kids innocence? That is something that will never be restored. The effect that living this way and the ordeal of loosing family and homes, has on all of the refugees is physical and psychological. And will change their lives forever. That is why we must help them regain whatever little bit […]
Comment replies to Rachel, Judy, Zahara, Bev, G and B, Gayle, Javi, Tony Carlos, Liz, Mimish, Azra, Kathleen Scott, KTJ, Lisa.
Ali’s Journal
I ran from my village when the jenjawed and the government were shooting at us. “how did you run?” it’s not easy to run but we escaped only at late in the night when it takes dark, so they can not see us. “Did you bring all your animals? “No not at all i took […]
Adios. Este día empezó casi igual que todos los demás. Casi no dormimos pero listos para regresar por última vez a ver a nuestros amigos. De nuevo las multitudes donde quiera, las invitaciones de pasar a sus tiendas de campaña y muchas más historias personales de las odiseas y vicisitudes que han pasado. Una mujer […]
Connie Journal

Goodbye. When I first came to this camp, I never had any idea that I would dread this day. These past few days have been grueling; little or no sleep, less food, extreme heat, the conditions here at our camp are elementary: we fetch our water and bathe with a bucket, no running water, the […]
Gabriel’s Journal

A short Journal Entry (Day 7, sorry I missed Day 6) I thought I was going to have extra time to write on my Journal and to answer comments today, since we went out to the camp very early and came back to home-base also earlier than usual. Somehow the day flew by, so I […]