I ran from my village when the jenjawed and the government were shooting at us. “how did you run?” it’s not easy to run but we escaped only at late in the night when it takes dark, so they can not see us. “Did you bring all your animals? “No not at all i took […]
Category: i-ACT 3: July 10 – 20, 2007
Gabriel returns to the refugee camps on the Chad – Darfur border, this time with Connie and Yuen-Lin. Follow our journey as we visit with the surviving victims of this genocide and hear their stories. Take action to bring positive change to the region so the refugees can return safely to their homes.
Interviews begin in Day 2 with a powerful statement by Ann Mayman – Senior Officer of the UN High Commission for Refugees – of the deteriorating situation on the ground in Eastern Chad.
Current genocide statistics (中文)
- Death toll: up to 400,000 people since February 2003
- Death rate: 500 people die each day, 15,000 each month
- Displaced: more than 2.5 million people
Adios. Este día empezó casi igual que todos los demás. Casi no dormimos pero listos para regresar por última vez a ver a nuestros amigos. De nuevo las multitudes donde quiera, las invitaciones de pasar a sus tiendas de campaña y muchas más historias personales de las odiseas y vicisitudes que han pasado. Una mujer […]
Connie Journal

Goodbye. When I first came to this camp, I never had any idea that I would dread this day. These past few days have been grueling; little or no sleep, less food, extreme heat, the conditions here at our camp are elementary: we fetch our water and bathe with a bucket, no running water, the […]
Map our journey!
Follow our journey using Google Maps. We’ll be updating the the map as the journey progresses. If you have Google Earth installed, you can load this file to view it within the program. We also recommend you visit Crisis in Darfur. This is a great visualization of the damage that has been wrought in the […]
Gabriel’s Journal

A short Journal Entry (Day 7, sorry I missed Day 6) I thought I was going to have extra time to write on my Journal and to answer comments today, since we went out to the camp very early and came back to home-base also earlier than usual. Somehow the day flew by, so I […]
Response to Day 6 comments from Mami, Zahara, Karine, Gayle, Wally, Tere, Mimi, Meron, Daniel and Andrez!
Yuen-Lin’s Day 5 journal
Today was a dream i-ACT day: we captured almost four great stories in a matter of hours, and in the end had to decide which to use! It was also a special day for me as a tech guy. Right after recording our Ask the Candidate question, we walked to Hamara’s tent to show her […]
Please let us know your experience watching the i-ACT videos. If you’re having problems, we’ll try to help solve the problem together. Wite to us at sgn.tech@gmail.com
Ask The Candidates

Gabriel, Connie and Yuen-Lin ask the American presidential candidates what they plan to do for Darfur.
La Escuelita. Nos fuimos muy temprano para acompañar a los niños a su escuela en la mañana. Ya nos esperaban. Nos fuimos caminando y a cada paso se unían más y más hasta que eran cientos de niños en camino a la escuelita. Ellos como cualquiera de nuestros niños, se reían, jugaban, se tomaban de […]