For this violence to continue, the Khartoum government needs money. For the past 10 years, China has been the primary weapons supplier while providing the government with over 70% of its annual oil revenues. China is the host of the 2008 Summer Olympic games promoting the theme “One World, One Dream.” Can these games truly […]
Category: i-ACT 3: July 10 – 20, 2007
Gabriel returns to the refugee camps on the Chad – Darfur border, this time with Connie and Yuen-Lin. Follow our journey as we visit with the surviving victims of this genocide and hear their stories. Take action to bring positive change to the region so the refugees can return safely to their homes.
Interviews begin in Day 2 with a powerful statement by Ann Mayman – Senior Officer of the UN High Commission for Refugees – of the deteriorating situation on the ground in Eastern Chad.
Current genocide statistics (中文)
- Death toll: up to 400,000 people since February 2003
- Death rate: 500 people die each day, 15,000 each month
- Displaced: more than 2.5 million people

Llegamos a Abeche de nuevo. Pasamos la noche, casi no dormimos, igual que todas las noches. Nuestro vuelo hacia el norte de Chad, salía a las ocho pero siempre tenemos mucha prisa porque como Gabriel y Yuen Lin trabajan casi siempre toda la noche, es una de cables que se tienen que guardar. También teníamos […]
Connie Journal

Camp #3 I slept only 2 hours got up at 4:30 to catch a flight to northern Chad (dejavu?). We are always running and packing last minute cables and wires and all that electronic stuff because usually either Gabe or Yuen-Lin or both are still working. I want to make a small sidetrack here to […]
Connie responds to messages from Lisa, Riya, Tere, Mimish, Zahara, Sylvia, Pam, Joanna, Rachel and Sarah.
Jour n°8, 17 juillet 2007 Gabriel, Connie et Yuen-Lin retournent dans le camp où habitent Leila et Juma. Une conversation avec la mère de Leila nous apprend que Leila est née au Soudan, que son père vit dans le camp avec eux. Gabriel rappelle que la chaleur est étouffante et que de petits portent leurs […]
Gabriel’s Day 8 Journal

Flying, North of Abeche Hello Friends y Familia: You all make me feel supported and loved. I look forward to reading your comments everyday, and I check as often as possible. Each leg of this trip takes me physically farther and farther from what I know and feel as home. I also end up in […]
Yuen-Lin’s Day 7 journal
Pausing for a moment to put oneself in the shoes of another makes a big difference. It’s easy to see or hear something without reaching that point where you know how it feels. We all have empathy, and it allows us to come close to how another feels without being in the exact same situation […]
Song credits
We’d like to thank Obo Addy for letting us use his wonderful song in the video. Artist: Obo Addy & Okropong Album: Afieye Okroprong Song: Donno Sings, You’re Late

Leila. Recuerdan a Leila, pues regresamos al primer campamento para visitar con ella.Llegando de inmediato nos recibio Juma,Aquel nino que queria salir siempre en el video.Antes de que preguntaramos por Leila el dijo en Ingles que nos llevaba a su casa.La pobresita de Leila salio semivestida a buscarnos pues algun nino iria a avisarle que […]
Connie’s Journal day 8

Hey Leila, Got you on my mind…Leila. Well you know the routine by now (hardly any sleep etc. etc.). So we are off again. We left our camp, and started our way back to Abeche, but on the way, we stopped at the first camp we visited. We wanted to drop in with our friends […]