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KTJ Answering Comments, 17 Jan 08

My sista Sabs! You made it out of Oregon and to Switzerland! Give Jeff a big hello for me and go to a yoga class – after almost 2 hours in a small Air Serv jumper plane landing on dirt runways and strapped in like a western seat belt, I could use a good downward […]

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KTJ Answering Comments, 16 Jan 08 (part 2)

Hola mi amiga Zahara! Thank you for your kind words! In the week leading up to this trip you could not have been more supportive of me and the whole team! And with me leaving my stuff in all corners of your house! I can imagine the house a little calmer without Gabo and I […]

Before i-ACT

13 stamps, 48 hours, and an Interview!

Man, I wish I had brought a French dictionary! Slowly its all coming back to me – all 5 years of reading and writing with very little speaking of French still gets puts me in situations of “Je ne comprends pas ou Je ne sais pas!” But as I hear more and more, I begin […]

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KTJ Answering Comments, 16 Jan 08

My dearest Mastora! It is great to hear from you after our visit in Fort Wayne. Have you watched the video of our interview on our site? You can view it i-ACTzine issue 2! We will let you know how your friends are in the camps. We are currently in Abeche and leave for Guereda […]

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KTJ answering comments – Jan 15

Hi Rachel! Your level of commitment matches that of Gabriel’s and it is inspiring to know that those you have met through i-ACT have changed your life forever. The energy and desire for life of Ahmet has kept me going many days when I felt like I hit a wall. Watching over and over again […]

Before i-ACT

Bottles of Fuel, Barbed Wire, and Café Espresso

14 janvier 08 Men in solid dishdasha (Muslim robes) and women in two-piece African dress meander through the busy streets of N’Djamena. Last night the streets were lit by only a few lamps with small groups of teenagers gathered, laughing and smiling as I once did with friends in high school. Now the streets are […]

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KTJ answering comments – Jan 14

Hey Mom! Last July when we were at the family reunion and Connie, Yuen-Lin and Gabriel were bringing us i-ACT, I remember sitting with you and watching the videos and posting comments to the field team. Now our family will be united with those of Leila, Mansur, Ahmet, and the women of Darfur that SGN […]

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Answering comments from Jan 11-13th

Dear Isaac, Larry, Nancy, Monica, Ali, and the Crossler Peer Helpers! Thank you for your support and encouragement as i-ACT begins once again; and from all corners of the world: Oregon, Washington, Arizona and Ghana. As I said in my journal entry from today, this experience is your experience. Ali, thank you so much for […]

Before i-ACT

Charles De Galle, aeroport de Paris

13 January 08 One step closer to N’DJamena, and one step closer to meeting friends face to face who I have met through my teammates. I am eager to see for myself what the capital looks like, and hear the sounds of a city that, like the East and Darfur, has been in turmoil for […]

Issue 4: Jan 2007

United Nations and African Union Peacekeeping Force: Another Failed Promise

As we begin a new year, many of us will think about what we accomplished since January 1, 2007 and set our goals for 2008. But in Darfur, the hope will remain the same: to return home, leave the camps behind and begin to rebuild their lives as people, as mothers, fathers and children of […]