Hey Nikki S! Thanks for your note and thanks for always being a strong voice for Darfur. You are one of the people I feel proud to be working next to. Hey Connie: The temperature at Kounoungou has been relatively pleasant. It gets chilly here at night, but in the sun out at the camp […]
Category: Before i-ACT
This year, Gabriel and KTJ spend a few extra days in Chad before sending their first i-ACT video. We collect their thoughts and impressions of N’djameena, and gather up excitement as they head East to N’djameena. They finally arrive in Guereda and rejoin Hala at the doorstep to their first refugee camp visit during the trip!
Meanwhile, Joshua and Jeremiah depart Los Angeles to join them in Chad! They arrive a few days later, anxious to hit the ground running.
Gabriel and Katie-Jay’s replies to your messages have moved! They are all available here »
Hola Mimi (Stauring)! I love my first trip to the camps! The last two days have been amazing and I can’t wait to return tomorrow! If I learn any new games out here I will be sure to share them when I return! Greetings Djata! And welcome to the team for your first i-ACT! In […]
Hello Cynthia! Yes, I’m very much looking forward to coming to Atlanta. Yes, we will do all that we can to say safe, given the situation in the area. When we got off of the plane here in Guereda, the pilot told us, “You’ve been given a security briefing, right? You know how bad this […]
Shiroma, my sista!!! Have a nice glass of Oregon pinot for me! If Jeff is attending, ask him to provide homemade hummus and deviled eggs! Haha! I was so excited to see your comment and was thinking of you just yesterday! I have heard that the roads have been icy, and yes, I brought sunblock, […]
Sunrise on the River Cheri

Feeling the gentle light of the early morning dawn, I lie still in that half way place between dream and wake as I vaguely remember dreaming all night that someone must have a pet monkey in the next room. Then as I slowly gain consciousness, I hear clicking noises out the window and realize the […]
Almost there

UNHCR Guest House, Guereda Dogs have not stopped barking since we got back to the guesthouse in Guereda. Hala is a wonderful host. It gives me a warm feeling to be meeting people that now know us, and must believe that what we are doing is right because they treat us as family. I enjoyed […]
After months of preparation and me doing the best packing job of my life we finally landed in Chad after 24 hours in transit. Traveling from LA to Paris to Chad has been a fascinating and wild ride. I didn’t sleep for the first 19 hours because I was so full of anticipation and excitement […]

The streets are empty as we travel to UNHCR in Abeche to drop off extra luggage and then to the airport. We are the first ones this morning – and a good thing since we have a tad too much weight still! Government soldiers rolling up their mats and gathering at various gates around the […]
My sista Sabs! You made it out of Oregon and to Switzerland! Give Jeff a big hello for me and go to a yoga class – after almost 2 hours in a small Air Serv jumper plane landing on dirt runways and strapped in like a western seat belt, I could use a good downward […]
One more Comment by G.
If have not done it yet, please sign the petition that asks President Bush to do more for Darfur. This is not about politics. It’s about humanity. Presidents representing both the red and the blue (and everything in between) have failed when confronted with genocide and mass atrocities. President Bush still has a chance to change […]