Actions Day 5: June 14, 2008

Action: Put on the pressure!

Last time we were in Camp Kounoungo, Adam thanked the American people for taking action, but encouraged us to do more. “We need action,” he said. As we always say at SGN, our leaders will not do the right thing, because its the right thing to do. We need to tell them what is important […]

Day 5: June 14, 2008


Actions Day 4: June 13, 2008


This Friday, join the San Francisco Bay Area Darfur Coalition begin your weekly commitment to Darfur Fridays and Keep International Focus on Darfur. This month use your weekly actions to ask President Bush to reconsider his plan to attend the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games because of China’s relationship to Sudan. Click on […]


第一天 : 回到 Chad

雖然這天是相對地平淡的,在乍得N’djamena平靜的Meredien旅館裡懶洋洋的渡過,但卻是我們在i-Act5的旅途上一個有趣的開始。這是Gabriel與KTJ自從二月第一次返回到酒店.因為他們上次在酒店期間正好遇上流產政變,並且在他們逗留的時間天天都有子彈穿梭于大堂與客房之間。當他們回到他們曾經為躲避子彈而爬行過的客房,大堂,走廊,他們不停的感嘆當時的情景. 這同時也是Colin與Scott正式在首都渡過的第一天。當他們兩穿過津巴布韋與肯尼亞到達乍得之後,他們兩人都迫不及待的去營地與已流離失所的難民們見面。Colin與Scott都是Stand活躍的領導層, 並在去年負責組織該國各地數百名大學生和高中生,以他們的努力在Darfur制止種族滅絕。他們倆都興奮異常,因為終于可以來到這個長期肯定他倆工作成果的地域。 今天,保護的主題已開始被傳達了;而以後也將會不斷的被提起。這是Gabriel第五次去難民營了,而每一次被迫離開家園的人數都出現了增加,而非減少。簡單來說,他們並沒有他們回國所需要的保護。這個月,美國作為擔任聯合國安理會的主席,我們希望我們 這次難民營的旅程可以向聯合國展示事情的緊迫性,全面通過成立部署一支聯合國部隊保護無辜難民。我們終於有能力採取行動,但是對這些難民來說,已是遲來的春天。

Day 3: June 12, 2008


100 Day Fast for Darfur

Fast for Darfur – Join Me

Posted on behalf of Chann Noun, a survivor of the Cambodian genocide. Hi everyone, After having gone through an extremely terrible starvation during the Cambodian genocide era (especially in 1975) and a somewhat mild one in the refugee camps in the mid 80’s, I vowed never to experience any hungry feelings ever again after I […]

100 Day Fast for Darfur

100 Day Fast for Darfur participants

Day 1: April 7, 2008 Gabriel Stauring of Redondo Beach, California, along with Amber Garrow in Clackamas, Oregon and Malik Abdulrahman in Darfur, Sudan, fasts in solidarity with Adef and pledges $25 to the World Food Programme. Adef lives in Camp Djabal, Eastern Chad. Adef’s village was destroyed, and he had to flee across the […]

100 Day Fast for Darfur

100 Day Fast for Darfur

We allow multiple fasters for each day, so if you would like to fast for Darfur send us an email at to be added! Day Date Name City, State Country Pledge Amount Pledge To 1 April 7 Gabriel Stauring Redondo Beach, CA USA $25 WFP Amber Garrow Clackamas, OR USA $25 WFP Malik Abdulrahman […]


i-ACTzine Issues

Issue 16: June 2010 June 20 is World Refugee Day. The United Nations Refugee Agency theme is Home: They can take my Home but not my Future. Join the movement working to make sure that our Sudanese friends have the future they want, a future back at home. Write a Letter to the Editor, gather […]

Camp Darfur i-ACT 4: Jan 19 - 28, 2008 Take Action

Change his Genocide Legacy

Despite agreeing to a United Nations/African Union joint peacekeeping mission, Sudan has continued to put obstacles on the deployment of the force. We have started a petition urging President Bush to use the last year of his presidency to push for a stronger UNAMID protection force in Darfur. Lend us your voice by signing our […]