This Friday, join the San Francisco Bay Area Darfur Coalition begin your weekly commitment to Darfur Fridays and Keep International Focus on Darfur. This month use your weekly actions to ask President Bush to reconsider his plan to attend the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games because of China’s relationship to Sudan. Click on […]
Category: Day 4: June 13, 2008
The team makes it to the East, but is stopped short of making it to a camp. Reunited with good friends, Bouba and Youssouf, the team also finds the lost suitcase of PANELS from an elementary school in Petaluma, CA!
This Friday, join the San Francisco Bay Area Darfur Coalition begin your weekly commitment to Darfur Fridays and Keep International Focus on Darfur. Read below for their action.
We will be periodically sharing your messages to refugees throughout the trip. Please leave them for us to share here.

Around 5,000 newly resettled refugees have begun to build 2-3 kilometers from the Chad-Darfur border. They are not concentrated but rather spread out in small pockets, sometimes only a few families huddle together near a wadi – which are soon to be filled with water as the rainy season has already begun. Another 5,000 or […]
One Panel. Two Stories.

The plane drops about 50 feet in a few seconds, and my stomach goes with it, then steadies. I peer out the window only to see a fine layer of sand, rather than a cloud line as you would in the States. It’s a bright sunny day, but the air is fogged with fine granules, […]
Colin’s Day 4 Journal

It feels great to finally be en route to Goz Beida and some refugee camps. Even though it’s another travel day and we only made it to Abeche, I was starting to doubt whether we would actually be able to leave N’Djamena. We’re out tomorrow on an afternoon flight, but we should be able to […]
Scott’s Day 4 Journal

It was great to get out of N’djamena today, even if it required a plane ride that almost made me lose my breakfast (which consisted of a Cliffs granola bar). While I’m excited to get to the refugee camps tomorrow (finally!), I am nervous for a plane that will be smaller and a ride that […]

Your messages of love and activism that we share with refugees often bring tears and smiles to the faces of our friends who have suffered for five years. It is your words and images that provide them with the essential human connection that gets lost in the isolated desert. Without your messages, they would lose […]