Day 10: July 19, 2007

My fault :)

Hey everyone. Day 10 was late in going up. We had a full day at the camp, and we then had two conference calls, one with the SDC and their Torch Relay campaign and the other with 20 Women for Darfur. I then spent some time with our wonderful hosts, Hala and Jorge from UNHCR. […]

Day 10: July 19, 2007

Connie’s Day 10 Journal

Common people making connections. Everything has gone so right here at our last camp! The outlook coming in was challenging but all has fallen into place. Today is our last day at the camps and there is so much we still would like to accomplish. I hope that we made the best and also the […]

Day 10: July 19, 2007 En Español

Resumen del dia 10.

Llegó Hala, ella es la encargada de UNHCR de los refugiados de este campamento. Nos dio como quien dice un tour de los servicios que dan. Atención médica muy limitada y elemental, o sea si a alguien le da un apendicitis lo mas probable es que se muera. También tienen programas para los niños más […]

Day 9: July 18, 2007 En Español

Resumen en Español, Día 9

Llegamos a Abeche de nuevo. Pasamos la noche, casi no dormimos, igual que todas las noches. Nuestro vuelo hacia el norte de Chad, salía a las ocho pero siempre tenemos mucha prisa porque como Gabriel y Yuen Lin trabajan casi siempre toda la noche, es una de cables que se tienen que guardar. También teníamos […]

Day 9: July 18, 2007

Connie Journal

Camp #3 I slept only 2 hours got up at 4:30 to catch a flight to northern Chad (dejavu?). We are always running and packing last minute cables and wires and all that electronic stuff because usually either Gabe or Yuen-Lin or both are still working. I want to make a small sidetrack here to […]

Day 7: July 16, 2007

Connie Journal

Goodbye. When I first came to this camp, I never had any idea that I would dread this day. These past few days have been grueling; little or no sleep, less food, extreme heat, the conditions here at our camp are elementary: we fetch our water and bathe with a bucket, no running water, the […]

Day 5: July 14, 2007

Gabriel’s Responses to Comments, Day 5 (and from before)

Replies to Lars, Tere, Rachel, Azra, Meron, Gayle, Lisa G, Stacey and Mimi.

Day 4: July 13, 2007

Gabriel’s Journal

Very Full Days After getting back from the camp, the sky became extremely dark, with thick clouds moving over us. A little later, it started to rain. We’re lucky that our little huts have a good roof, insulated with UNHCR green sheeting. We have continued to get wave after wave of bugs, all shapes and […]

Day 4: July 13, 2007

Connie’s Journal

Can we relate in any way with all of our refugee friends? Last night was a little tough for me. I hate to whine especially after everything I’ve seen but I’m going to anyway. Yesterday we worked non-stop, everything was fine until we had to turn on the light. Hundreds of bugs came in from […]

Day 2: July 11, 2007

Comment replies from Gabriel

Gabriel’s Responses to Day 2 Comments from Gina, Daniel, Rachel, Mimi, Katie-Jay, Tere, his mom, Duxiangjun, Gayle, MaryAnn, Sylvia and Zaharita. :)