Actions Day 4: June 13, 2008


This Friday, join the San Francisco Bay Area Darfur Coalition begin your weekly commitment to Darfur Fridays and Keep International Focus on Darfur. This month use your weekly actions to ask President Bush to reconsider his plan to attend the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games because of China’s relationship to Sudan. Click on […]

Actions Day 3: June 12, 2008

Action: Urge the future President to make Darfur a priority

Senators and Presidential Candidates McCain, Obama, and Clinton issued a joint statement on the situation in Darfur and their commitment to continuing their current efforts to end the violence in Darfur and implement the Sudan’s Comprehensive Peace Agreement. Read their statement and thank them for condemning the government of Sudan. Please also urge the candidates […]

Day 3: June 12, 2008

Albright on the International Community

Another slow day in N’Djamena today. We’re all incredibly excited to be on the UNHCR flight tomorrow morning with our permits ready to go. With any luck, we’ll even make it out to Goz Beida in the afternoon instead of staying the night in Abeche. From Goz Beida we’ll be able to access the refugee […]

Day 3: June 12, 2008

Connecting the Dots

So tomorrow we’ll be out of N’djamena, finally! We’re all excited to get out here and finally get to the camps to see the refugees. I am sure their stories are going to be incredibly impacting, demonstrating the need for both us, as individual citizens, and the international community to do more about this ongoing […]

Day 1: June 10, 2008

Anxiousness and Motivation

Four summers ago, I first learned about Darfur from the halls of Congress as a lowly intern. If you would have told me back then that the conflict would still be ravaging, and even worsening, four years later, I would not have believed you. But, at the same time, I probably wouldn’t have even gotten […]

Day 0: Preparations

An Introduction

I’m sitting in Le Meredian hotel right now in N’Djamena. Having followed i-ACT4 and seeing Gabriel and KTJ during the coup here, it feels a bit weird. I’m trying to do as much mental preparation, but as the i-ACT team found out last time, it’s hard to know what to expect. The most I can […]

i-ACT 5: June 10 - 22, 2008

Returning to Chad: Thoughts and Reflections

I’m sitting at my dining room table walking through many of the same steps that I did prior to our last trip in January/February 2008: sending emails, writing the daily action items, scanning the news for the latest reports from both Chad and Sudan.And with each click of my mouse, and with each search I […]

Day 12: Jan 30, 2008


Day 12 We make a quick stop to wrap up unfinished business in Farchana before heading out to Gaga, then on to Abeche. Our last day in the camps. The wind blows harshly in the morning sun as women line up to receive monthly rations and, a for a few, they receive white sheeting for […]

Day 10: Jan 28, 2008

To the Upstanders

Dear friends, If you are still with us all this while, thank you. I know from our website statistics that we aren’t directly reaching tens of thousands of people. But at the same time, I take heart in knowing that those we are reaching – you – are the “real deal”. When the friends we […]

Day 8: Jan 26, 2008

From Concept to Reality

Yesterday we went to out to the UNHCR sub office Goz Beida which oversees to camps Djabal and Goz Amer. Djabal is home to about 15,500 Refugees Goz Amer is home to about 20,000 Refugees Plus there about 120,000 IDP’s or Internally Displaced Persons Eastern Chad refugee camp populations If you’re like me you’re probably […]