The Governor of the Region de Dila, a large area in Eastern Chad around the town of Goz Beida, drinks Coke Zero. I was lucky that there was more than one in the tray that one of his men brought to the large gathering of officials for what we had thought was going to be […]
Tag: IDP
Elections are synonymous with freedom?

I’m deeply concerned about what will happen to our refugee and IDP friends in the coming weeks. Reports by International Crisis Group, Human Rights Watch, Enough Project, and many others have clear details of continued violence, as well as expectations of what the situation might like look if and when al-Bashir steals the elections. I […]

We traveled today from Abeche to Guereda on a small humanitarian aid plane piloted by two South Africans. The one giving the security overview had quite a sense of humor and after almost every precaution would chuckle and say, “hope we don’t need that.” Once in Guereda we were able to connect to a wifi […]
YL’s journal (day 4)

Dear friends and family, Our journey from Abeche to Goz Beida was a smooth one. At Goz Beida, we received again a very warm welcome from our friends at UNHCR, and were put up in excellent accommodation at a nearby partner agency. To me that means high scores on bathroom and Internet :-) We’ve been […]
Du Concept à la Realité
Envoyé par Joshua Tree le 26 janvier 2008-01-27 Hier, nous sommes allés à l’annexe du HCR des Nations-Unies de Goz Beida qui chapeaute les camps de Djabal et Goz Amer. • Djabal héberge environ 15.500 réfugiés • Goz Amer héberge environ 20.000 réfugiés Et il y a en plus environ 120.000 IDP (personnes déplacées à […]
From Concept to Reality

Yesterday we went to out to the UNHCR sub office Goz Beida which oversees to camps Djabal and Goz Amer. Djabal is home to about 15,500 Refugees Goz Amer is home to about 20,000 Refugees Plus there about 120,000 IDP’s or Internally Displaced Persons Eastern Chad refugee camp populations If you’re like me you’re probably […]

We have finally arrived out to Eastern Chad. It has been an experience to say the least.. To get out of the capital city of N’Djamena we had to go through the all the red tape. We waited for two days to receive all the proper authorizations and signatures from the proper authorities. Then it […]