In i-ACT tradition, we’ll be hosting the i-ACT challenge again! i-ACT is all about action, so every day we hope the stories from the camps will inspire everyone to take part in our daily actions. We’d like to show our appreciation to all i-ACTivists who follow Gabriel, Katie-Jay, Scott and Colin on their journey and […]
Tag: Katie Jay
And off they go!

After going through the usual last-minute hustle and bustle before any trip (which included the usual pick-up at Fry’s Electronics for more equipment), Katie-Jay and Gabriel left Los Angeles last night on their way to Chad. We wish them a safe journey!
The Team is Evacuated.

Gabriel, Katie-Jay and team have now been evacuated from the hotel in N’djamena to a French base! Stay tuned from more updates. More pictures can be found on our flickr site.
Thanks for the support
The team on the ground in Chad and their families in United States really appreciate all the support you’ve shown us. On behalf of everyone, thank you for staying in touch and offering your help to bring Gabriel, Katie-Jay, Joshua and Jeremiah home. More furious fighting has just broken out, and it’s not certain that […]

The situation on the ground is getting worse. They are still in the capital, barred from leaving the hotel. The streets are empty, and the fighting is getting closer and closer. Read Google News for all the latest news stories from Chad. Katie-Jay was also interviewed by the BBC. Gabriel is still uploading reports from […]
Travelling home
Gabriel, Katie-Jay, Joshua and Jeremiah have just finished their recent trip to the refuge camps! They are now in N’djamena, along with many evacuated UNHCR staff. The situation on the ground now is grim, with camp staff evacuated out from Guereda, Mile and Kounoungou. The camps they were at just a few days ago were […]
Today’s action
As we conclude this trip, we must continue to act with greater force to help bring an end to what is known to be one of the worst crises in our global community today – genocide. Our work has not ended; please continue to be an i-ACTivist. We CAN change the world, “ with our […]
Reportage sur le jour n°10
Pour les supporters Envoyé par Yuen-Lin le 28 janvier 2008-01-29 Chers amis, Je vous remercie d’être toujours avec nous depuis le début. Je sais par les statistiques faites sur notre site que nous ne touchons pas directement des dizaines de milliers de personnes. Mais en même temps cela me réconforte de savoir que ceux que […]
Envoyé par Katie-Jay le 27 janvier 2008-01-28 9ème jour Ses yeux sont plus profonds que je l’imaginais par rapport aux photos et à la vidéo. Sa peine est plus apparente dans chacun de ses mots. Son ton devient très solennel lorsqu’elle décrit le jour où elle est partie. Le jour où son mari et 60 […]
Reportage 7ème jour
Envoyé par Katie-Jay le 25 janvier 2008-01-25 7ème jour Plus qu’un seul jour à Djabal. J’aurai été en tout presque semaines au Tchad et ce n’est pas assez de temps lorsqu’on a tellement de jours de voyages. Hier nous avons rencontré la famille de Adef et Achta et celle de Oumar, et aujourd’hui nous allons […]