As we begin a new year, many of us will think about what we accomplished since January 1, 2007 and set our goals for 2008. But in Darfur, the hope will remain the same: to return home, leave the camps behind and begin to rebuild their lives as people, as mothers, fathers and children of […]
Tag: hope
Camp Darfur in UIUC
Jenny Byelick from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign’s Action Darfur wrote to us about their experience bringing Camp Darfur to campus their campus! I was extremely moved and motivated by the Camp Darfur exhibit. It really illustrated the history of past genocides, and how “never again” continues to happen again and again. Yet in addition […]
Thanks to all i-ACTivists who joined us during the 10 day trip and followed each action. If you have compiled the list of words from the daily actions as outlined here, submit it to It doesn’t matter if your lists are incomplete! We will be sending out e-certificates and t-shirts. For those who have […]
Here are my long overdue responses to your comments :) Thank you so much for your support, encouragement, ideas and insights. Day 2: Swee Ting Day 4: Gina and Brandon, Teresa, Meron, Lisa, Jia-Li Day 5: Mary Ann, Lisa, Pam, Jia-Li Day 6: Mary Ann and Lisa Day 7: Lisa Day 8: Lisa, Day 10: […]
Comment replies to Rachel, Judy, Zahara, Bev, G and B, Gayle, Javi, Tony Carlos, Liz, Mimish, Azra, Kathleen Scott, KTJ, Lisa.
Gabriel’s Day 5 Journal

We slept just a little next to nothing last night. I feel pretty comfortable with the editing; it is even fun. I get to see all the video taken during the day, as I download it from the video cameras, so it’s another dose of beautiful faces (and some sad stories). But, it has not […]
Connie’s Journal

Can we relate in any way with all of our refugee friends? Last night was a little tough for me. I hate to whine especially after everything I’ve seen but I’m going to anyway. Yesterday we worked non-stop, everything was fine until we had to turn on the light. Hundreds of bugs came in from […]
Connie responds to wishes and questions from Gina, Gayle, Tete, Zaharita, KTJ, Rachel, Lisa G, Mimi and Ira. She also replies to comments addressed to Gabriel from Amanda, Meron, Shelly and Mimi Schiff.
YL’s comment replies #1

Hey all, we decided to post our comment repies both as blog entries and as comments, so it’s easier for people to find. Here are mine for day 2 to MaryAnn, Sylvia, Mimi Stauring, Mimi Schiff, Lisa, and JL.
Marilyn, I know how irrational my fear of flying is. With human conflict, I always feel there is hope of communicating on a human/heart level whereas the skies and mechanics lack that opportunity. I have, however, noticed that flying has become easier and that I’ve actually been able to look out of the window several […]