Day 3: July 12, 2007

Some of Connie’s Responses to Day 1 Comments

Connie responds to Wally, Melvita, JC, Lisa Dee and Javi.

Day 3: July 12, 2007

Connie’s replies to comments- 3

Connie responds to wishes and questions from Gina, Gayle, Tete, Zaharita, KTJ, Rachel, Lisa G, Mimi and Ira. She also replies to comments addressed to Gabriel from Amanda, Meron, Shelly and Mimi Schiff.

Day 3: July 12, 2007

Connie’s replies to comments

Connie’s replies to Jack, Carito, Ira, MaryAnn, Mimish, Lisa, Zaharita, Mimi S, KTJ, Tere and Mami.

Day 3: July 12, 2007

YL’s comment replies #1

Hey all, we decided to post our comment repies both as blog entries and as comments, so it’s easier for people to find. Here are mine for day 2 to MaryAnn, Sylvia, Mimi Stauring, Mimi Schiff, Lisa, and JL.

Day 2: July 11, 2007

More replies from Connie

Connie replies to more comments from Gina, Daniel, Rachel, and KT-J.

Day 2: July 11, 2007

More of Connie’s Responses to Day 2 Comments

Connie replies to Zaharita, her mom, Kristen and Lisa.

Day 3: July 12, 2007

Gabriel’s Responses to Day 3 Comments

Replies to Gina, Gayle, Tere and Zahara.

Day 3: July 12, 2007

Action: Contact the media asking for Darfur coverage

Now that you have become familiar with the faces of Darfur and situation on the ground, you have the power to connect with your local media source. This can be a blog, an op-ed in a newspaper, a call to your morning radio news station or your school paper. Send them our PRESS release available […]

Day 2: July 11, 2007

Comment replies from Gabriel

Gabriel’s Responses to Day 2 Comments from Gina, Daniel, Rachel, Mimi, Katie-Jay, Tere, his mom, Duxiangjun, Gayle, MaryAnn, Sylvia and Zaharita. :)

Day 3: July 12, 2007

Gabriel’s Journal

It is hard to describe the feelings that go through me when I get off the car at a refugee camp. We don’t have one word that tells about all feelings mixed in to one. Joy is definitely there. How can I not feel joy at being around so much life and energy? I get […]