Day 3: July 12, 2007 中文


康尼,加布里埃尔和源林到达阿贝歇. 雨季膨胀了当地的河流,他们必须渡过其中之一. 这是加布里埃尔在他这三年的所有行程首次看到水. 渡河非无风险,但他们成功地越过了. 我们这小组对这此渡河经验印象深刻. 他们到达第一个难民营时,立即被孩子们包围了. 孩子们把学校书籍带给访客看,并朗读其中一段 “来自天堂的信”. 莱拉, 一个笑容灿烂的小女孩,‘领养’了加布里埃尔. Juma今年7岁,正在上小学二年级. 这一次访问显示了孩子们看到访客是多么地高兴.

Day 3: July 12, 2007 En Français

Résumé du troisième jour du voyage au Tchad

Jour n°3, 12 juillet 2007 Connie, Gabriel et Yuen-Lin arrivent à Abeche. La pluie a gonflé les rivières et ils doivent traverser l’une d’entre elles. Le passage est risqué et plusieurs véhicules sont restés embourbés au beau milieu, mais ils réussissent à passer sans encombres. Le passage de la rivière a été très impressionnant selon […]

Day 3: July 12, 2007

Yuen-Lin’s Day 3 journal

Today was a traveling day. Gabriel and I worked late, then around sunrise everyone switched to packing mode, and soon we were off to N’djamena airport. The streets of N’djamena were quiet and calm, and there were no soldiers in sight. Quite a change from the day before. The airport was also quiet when we […]

Day 3: July 12, 2007

More of Connie’s Responses to Day 3 Comments

Connie replies to Mary Ann, Stacey and Spencer.

Day 3: July 12, 2007

4 More Responses from Gabriel to Day 3 Comments

Gabriel replies to Mary Conry, Mimi Schiff, Irais and Stacey.

Day 3: July 12, 2007

More of Gabriel’s Responses to Day 3 Comments

Gabriel replies to Amanda, Meron his Canadian friend, Lisa, Mimi Hermosa, Shelley, Mimi Hermosa, Mimi Schiff, Marv, Spencer and Valeria.

Day 3: July 12, 2007

Some of Connie’s Responses to Day 1 Comments

Connie responds to Wally, Melvita, JC, Lisa Dee and Javi.

Day 3: July 12, 2007

Connie’s replies to comments- 3

Connie responds to wishes and questions from Gina, Gayle, Tete, Zaharita, KTJ, Rachel, Lisa G, Mimi and Ira. She also replies to comments addressed to Gabriel from Amanda, Meron, Shelly and Mimi Schiff.

Day 3: July 12, 2007

Connie’s replies to comments

Connie’s replies to Jack, Carito, Ira, MaryAnn, Mimish, Lisa, Zaharita, Mimi S, KTJ, Tere and Mami.

Day 3: July 12, 2007

YL’s comment replies #1

Hey all, we decided to post our comment repies both as blog entries and as comments, so it’s easier for people to find. Here are mine for day 2 to MaryAnn, Sylvia, Mimi Stauring, Mimi Schiff, Lisa, and JL.