Replies to Gina, Gayle, Tere and Zahara.
Category: Day 3: July 12, 2007
Gabriel, Connie, Yuen-Lin and Ali safely arrive in Abeche and immediately brave river crossings to get to camp, where they’re surrounded by children :)
Now that you have become familiar with the situation on the ground, you have the power to connect with your local media source. This can be a blog, an op-ed in a newspaper, a call to your morning radio news station or your school paper. Send them our press release and follow-up with why you feel your community should know about Darfur. Click here for more details.
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Now that you have become familiar with the faces of Darfur and situation on the ground, you have the power to connect with your local media source. This can be a blog, an op-ed in a newspaper, a call to your morning radio news station or your school paper. Send them our PRESS release available […]
Gabriel’s Journal

It is hard to describe the feelings that go through me when I get off the car at a refugee camp. We don’t have one word that tells about all feelings mixed in to one. Joy is definitely there. How can I not feel joy at being around so much life and energy? I get […]
Connie’s Journal

The longest day of the year! I hope you bear with me, today was a long one! First I rose at 4:00am. We had to be at the airport by 6:00. There we really sweat it out because we were over the weight limit, what would we leave? Some food? Maybe the gifts we brought? […]