Day 10: July 19, 2007 中文


今天是这次i-Act行程的最后一天,但要结束这场种族灭绝,还是需要你们大家的继续支持和行动。我们希望这个活动可以带来这样的启发:在你的环境,你可以更积极参与什么样的活动来提升人们对达尔富尔(Darfur)难民状况的了解? 这里有一些想法:邀请加布里埃尔(Gabriel)到你的学校,大学或其他场地举办一个达尔富尔阵营讲解会. 我们会协助设立一个互动体验的活动,播放达尔富尔营地的录影,让你们录制自己慰问难民的录影,或观看其他来自北美的观众向难民表达的关心和爱的视频录影. 或者你可以对自己做一个承诺: 每日醒来,刷刷牙,就拨电1-800-GENOCIDE呼吁白宫以实际行动来协助结束种族灭绝. 加入当地的一个群体(或形式之一!! ) 今年秋天,Dream for Darfur将主办国际和美国火炬游行,以增加对中国施压.当奥运火炬将途经贵国或东道国之一,你也可以召集朋友讨论,可以为达尔富尔难民做什么. 欢迎你到我们的博客, 发表想法,互相交流! 启发. 教育. 影响.

Day 10: July 19, 2007

Yuen-Lin’s replies to comments (Day 10 and before)

Here are my long overdue responses to your comments :) Thank you so much for your support, encouragement, ideas and insights. Day 2: Swee Ting Day 4: Gina and Brandon, Teresa, Meron, Lisa, Jia-Li Day 5: Mary Ann, Lisa, Pam, Jia-Li Day 6: Mary Ann and Lisa Day 7: Lisa Day 8: Lisa, Day 10: […]

Day 10: July 19, 2007

Yuen-Lin’s Day 10 journal

Sorry for posting my journal entries late! Over the past few days I’ve posted entries for all days except day 9. Thanks for your support, and here’s my entry for day 10. The past two weeks have given me a lot to digest. Nonetheless, I feel that I have gained a better grasp on the […]

Day 10: July 19, 2007

Connie’s Responses to Comments, Day 10

Connie replies to Tere, Mimi Schiff, Zahara, Lisa, Wally, Mimish, Rachel, her mom, Mary Ann and Pam.

Day 10: July 19, 2007

Gabriel’s Responses to Comments (from many past days!)

Gabriel replies to Mimi, Irais, Gabo, Daniel, Zahara, Lisa, Pam B, Mimi Schiff, Charles D, Tony, Gina and Brandon.

Day 10: July 19, 2007 En Français

Résumé du dixième jour.

L’équipe retourne au camp d’Abache, sur la frontière entre le Darfour et le Tchad. Un réfugié raconte comment il a fui son village, emmenant ses enfants. Ils se déplacèrent par petites étapes. Enfin ils furent pris en charge par une ONG et arrivèrent au camp. Une mère de neuf enfants laisse Connie et Gariel visiter […]

Day 10: July 19, 2007

Gabriel’s Day 10 Journal

What’s next? For us, the on-the-ground i-ACT team, we start our jumps back our normal reality.  This morning, we got in a small plane back to Abeche, the biggest little town in the east.  Tomorrow, we get in a slightly bigger plane back to N’Djamena, the capital of Chad.  A couple of days later, we […]

Day 10: July 19, 2007

My fault :)

Hey everyone. Day 10 was late in going up. We had a full day at the camp, and we then had two conference calls, one with the SDC and their Torch Relay campaign and the other with 20 Women for Darfur. I then spent some time with our wonderful hosts, Hala and Jorge from UNHCR. […]

Day 10: July 19, 2007

More of Connie’s Responses

Connie replies to Gina, Lisa, tony and Lisa (again :)).

Day 10: July 19, 2007


It may be the last day of our trip, but i-Act continues through your efforts. Step up your own activism to end this genocide now. What can you do to get more involved in your local community? Nationally? Internationally?Here are few ideas: Invite Gabriel to your school, college or other venue to host a Camp […]