Day 1: July 10, 2007

We have arrived!

Hi everybody! It’s been a long trip from L.A. to N’Djamena, but we are here and I’m excited to begin our journey here in Chad and grateful that many friends and family are making this experience possible .My hope is that this is a safe, dynamic and learning encounter, and that the people we have […]


Field Report 4: UC Berkeley, California

Dear Friends and Familia: Do enough people care about the fate of Darfur? It is so much more comfortable to look the other way and pretend it is not there. Why worry about people that are so far? It does not affect us. It is so easy to be cynic, after years of working on […]

Day 14: Jan 3, 2007

Day 14 from Gabriel

There is an amazing full moon outside. We’re in a small village in north-eastern Chad, close to the Darfur border. It is very cold here, and it is windy, and there is sand everywhere. As I stepped off of the plane and in to this, I thought about the children in the camps that are […]

Day 2: Dec 22, 2006

" Trying to Get From Here to There "

Still in N’Djamena, We are still waiting to get on a plane to Abeche and out to the camps. It’s been a busy day with the press briefing and conference with the UN High Commissioner, Guterres. Gabriel and I were there with Reuters and Al Jazeera, among other well know publications. I was very proud […]

Day 1: Dec 21, 2006

From N’djamena, Chad

Hello friends and familia: It was pitch dark and a bit cool, as we came off of the Air France plane and walked down the steps to go in to the N’djamena airport. Africa has a distinct feeling to it, and I’m just not sure how to explain it. I bet that anyone that’s been […]

i-ACT 1: Nov 21 - Dec 10, 2005


On Air France plane sitting at N’D airport 11:54pm “Did you accomplish everything you wanted to accomplish?” Chris asked me. On the field, given the challenges and our limitations, I’m “happy” with what we did. We presented the human side of the story, going beyond the numbers. Now we have some faces, happy and sad, […]

i-ACT 1: Nov 21 - Dec 10, 2005

Lost Generation

N’Djamena 8:01pm We are down to the last few hours in Chad. I was just going over the stories we heard during our days at the camps, especially what the ones belonging to the young people. There was Muhammad, Ahmat, Farha, and Eisha. Muhammad we found making bricks. Ahmat is our English speaking friend. Farha, […]

Day 21: Dec 10, 2005

Commenting Back

12/11 5:08pm Title: Commenting back Hello Tom! I’m sitting here in the middle of the yard of the CCF guesthouse, with the pc and satellite modem, reading your and other people’s comments. Thanks for helping out with the team back home and for staying in touch with us out here; it really makes a difference. […]

Day 20: Dec 9, 2005

i-ACT Day Twenty

Commenting back 9:05 pm Chacho! No sabes el gusto que me dio leer tu comentario. Me saludas mucho a tu familia y a todos en Monterrey. Si, yo tambien me acuerdo mucho de nuestros tiempos juntos de jovenes (no que estemos viejos…para nada !). Le platicaba aqui a mi companero, Chris, que nos suviamos al […]

Day 14: Dec 3, 2005

i-ACT: Day Fourteen

Chasing the border 6:45 pm Sudan is a pretty large country, as countries go, but we had a hard time finding it. Sunday is a rest day for the NGO’s; they did not go to the camp. We decided to go see the line between Darfur and Chad, after first asking Pacome, the UNHCR head […]