7:56 PM Commenting back Dear Shelley (MSMC): You sent this comment a while back, Hello from MSMC! I was finally able to upload the videos that I could not before. It was a much speedier proccess! I am in awe. The footage is incredible. My heart goes out to the thousands of children at each […]
Tag: Darfur
Today’s Action
Today is a National Call-In Day for AU Peacekeeper Funding Urgent action alert from our friends and partners of i-ACT at the Genocide Intervention Network (GIN). After the success of our last National Call-In Day for Darfur, we hope that you will join us in picking up the phone once again today. Experts from the […]
I-ACT: Day Fifteen
Immediate danger Heavily armed men ride in during the middle of the night and take whatever they want. During the day, men are abducted and tortured, women beaten and raped…and these are the survivors. There are killings also. It sounds like reports we are hearing from the interior of Darfur, with its ever deteriorating security […]
i-ACT: Day Fourteen
Chasing the border 6:45 pm Sudan is a pretty large country, as countries go, but we had a hard time finding it. Sunday is a rest day for the NGO’s; they did not go to the camp. We decided to go see the line between Darfur and Chad, after first asking Pacome, the UNHCR head […]
i-ACT: Day Thirteen
Family Pictures 10:35 pm I was just looking at some of the pictures I’ve taken, the families, the children, and the recipients of the Peace Tiles. They really do look like our children; they look like family. But, what have those eyes seen and what have those hearts felt? Way up north…Bahai 5:02 pm Today […]
i-ACT: Day Eleven
6:08pm Commenting back Hello again. I cut short answering some of your questions yesterday because of the always present electricity issue, but we’re back! I hope we are also seeing some of the answers to your questions through the videos. I am making an effort to go out and ask the questions you’ve been asking […]
i-ACT: Day Ten
9:36pm Title: Day 11: Guereda-Kounoungo-Guereda-Mile-Guereda-Iriba That was our day today. We had not planned to go to camp Kounoungo, but I then heard that the African Union, the force that is in charge of monitoring the “peace” in Darfur, was going to land by helicopter to check out conditions in the camp, so we headed […]
Today’s Action
Write a letter to the newspaper Write a letter to the editor of your national newspaper urging your support for increased international engagement in Darfur. Talk to them about i-ACT and tell them in your own words why you think i-ACT is an important tool to increase coverage about the genocide in Darfur. Help us […]
i-ACT: Day Seven
Commenting back 12:41 pm Hola Mom! Me estoy poniendo bastante protector de sol y trato de encontrar una sombrita cuando puedo. Como estas tu y todos por alla? Yo aca enfocandome en cada dia y en la gente que voy conociendo. Los extano mucho pero los siento cerca. Un abrazo. Tu hijo el quinto y […]
i-ACT: Day Six
Women with their Children 6:01 pm Right away on entering Mile, I noticed that women are the energy that powers the camp. Women, with their children, gather water and dig up dirt to create mud bricks. They carry these bricks to their tents and then build walls that become rooms and spaces for their families […]