Issue 2: Oct 2007

Revisiting Ahmat

View 2005 interview with English-speaking young refugee, Ahmat (16 at time of interview). Ahmat is now back in Darfur, risking his life in order to continue studying. Click here to download the transcript of the interview

Issue 1: Sept 2007

Darfur in the news: peacekeepers killed and kidnapped.

As the world waits for the 26,000 hybrid force to pull together their troops, supplies, and money for a UN-Africa Union peacekeeping mission, we see the situation in Darfur worsening. Rebel leaders have attacked a base, killing soldiers and looting their base. Today 40 soldiers are still missing. Senegal is now threatening to pull out […]

Issue 1: Sept 2007

About News Coverage

Although there has been a lot more Darfur news coverage, you still have to make an effort and look for it. The mainstream media outlets barely mention it. One happening they did cover, though, was the United Nations resolution to send in 26,000 troops in to the region. The meaning of that was not really […]

Issue 1: Sept 2007

Our Part

We also have to do it for ourselves, we are part of this world, just sitting around and waiting for things to get better is an act of complicity; omission is also a sin! Are we like children waiting to be rescued? and to rescue? No, we must take responsibility, the solution is in our […]


Welcome to i-ACTzine

Gabriel and the i-ACT team will be giving video updates, giving you an insight to what the team is up to, and to bring you current news from the ground. Please give us any feedback and suggestions to help us give you what YOU want to hear. Subscribe to our RSS feed to get in […]

Issue 1: Sept 2007

Dream for Darfur

KTJ and I took Camp Darfur out to New York City for the first official Dream for Darfur U.S. Olympic Torch Relay event. China has great influence over the Government of Sudan, and this campaign’s purpose is to remind the Chinese government of its responsibility as a leader in the world to protect human rights […]