Greetings SGN community! I am proud to be working with you all. Since July I have been working with the core team and recently have begun traveling with Gabriel and Camp Darfur. My background is in community development and organizing and I am eager to share these skills with you and the community of Darfurians […]
Category: Issue 2: Oct 2007
Meet SGN’s newest team member, KTJ Scott. KTJ and Gabriel bring Camp Darfur to the University of Idaho on Sept 19-21, 2007. A new STAND chapter just started less than two weeks before. We also meet Travis, the student leader who founded the group.
- UN Peacekeepers in Darfur Now! Join Amnesty International’s National White House Call-In Days: October 24, 25, 26. Call 1 (202) 456-1111. Insist on Adequate Funding for Peacekeeping and Humanitarian Aid in Darfur Region.
- Help us meet our dollar-for-dollar matching grant! Please support our efforts to raise awareness.
Each day I open my computer and the BBC news pops up as my home page. I respect the BBC because their news system is far more balanced and community-based than ours here in the States. Almost daily in the past week, BBC has posted a front page report about an attack on Darfur. The […]
En Español

Jorge Holly, quien trabaja para el Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados, platico con nosotros en Julio 2007 sobre la situacion en Darfur y la vida dificil de los sobrevivientes.
Revisiting Ahmat

View 2005 interview with English-speaking young refugee, Ahmat (16 at time of interview). Ahmat is now back in Darfur, risking his life in order to continue studying. Click here to download the transcript of the interview