Fr. Vazken stopped by and spoke with Gabriel.
Speaking with Fr. Vazken
Our e-magazine from the i-ACT team with updates, and a look into our current efforts to spread awareness about what is happening in Sudan.
This Sunday is World Refugee Day. This year’s theme is “Home: They can take my Home but not my Future”. Learn more about how you can be a part of it. Read more here
Fr. Vazken stopped by and spoke with Gabriel.
URGENT ACTION ALERT! On Wednesday, March 4, 2009, the International Criminal Court in The Hague issued a landmark arrest warrant for President Omar al Bashir of Sudan. Just hours later, President Bashir expelled 16 humanitarian organizations from Sudan, placing millions of Darfuri civilians at immediate risk. Bashir is holding innocent lives hostage in order to […]
Dear friends and family: It was in December of 2004, when I first sent out one of these e-mails talking about Darfur. It went out to my family and a couple of friends, a total of recipients that stayed in the single digits. Pretty much all it said was, “Have you heard about what is […]
This situation for Darfuris on the ground is deteriorating quickly. On a conference call on March 11, International Rescue Committee (IRC) indicated that they were able to put in place a few supplies before they were ordered out. They estimate that medicine will run out in one month, and fuel supplies for water pumps will […]
Hours after the ICC announced an arrest warrant for Sudan’s President al-Bashir, he and his administration distributed their own blows to the country. Ultimately, unless the International community acts, we are allowing Sudan to continue genocide of it’s non-arab population. Without aid workers, they don’t need the Janjaweed militia men riding in and raping, burning […]
Over and Over again in the refugee camps we heard from Darfuris that justice is above everyone and that any deferral in the name of a peace would only give Sudan’s President al-Bashir more time to kill. Listen to the victims speak themselves in our recent video, share their words. Add it to your socail […]
In the last few days, news of the possible arrest warrant from the International Criminal Court (ICC) has surfaced. New York Times reported the breaking news on February 11, 2009 late in the day. It will be the first time the ICC will issue a warrant for a sitting head of state. The ICC quickly […]
President Obama, Secretary Clinton, and Ambassador Rice have made several statements on Darfur in the past several years. President and our Secretary of State, most noticeably, made a joint statement on May 28, 2008 that ended with: “If peace and security for the people of Sudan are not in place when one of us is […]
Over the last several weeks we have asked you to make phone call after phone call, to fax, to email, and to stand by the people of Darfur by changing your facebook, myspace, or twitter profile picture. Many of you have reached busy signals, answering machines, and your faxes have failed. This only means that […]
Stop Genocide Now has been busy spreading the word through various social networks. Are you on any of the following social networking sites? Join the community – get more frequent updates, view photos, pass actions and articles on to your community more often and easier than ever before! Facebook Group: Stop Genocide Now Facebook Fan […]