Day 9: April 1 Take Action

Day 9 Action: Peacekeeping Force & Genocide Prevention Month

There is so much we can be doing for Darfur, especially right now. Today’s action offers to vey different opportunities, both, I hope, will make a difference for people on the ground. Action 1: Support UNAMID Peacekeeping Force by emailing key United Nations Ambassadors. Recent attacks on UNAMID have left the only line of protection […]

Day 9: April 1

Hunger, Malnutrition and Starvation

This, from dedicated i-ACT follower Carole who has a medical background, will help us all understand the effects of what our Darfuri friends are experiencing. Hunger, Malnutrition and Starvation. Hunger is ‘not enough food’ to satisfy body needs. It results in ravenous hunger, eating nearly anything available and lots of it. Eventually, the body adjusts […]

Day 9: April 1

Pictures from today

Day 8: March 31

Burnt Memories, Family and Path of Dedicated Action

We enter Obama School for Co-education Basic just before classes begin. There is a nice breeze in the mornings, but not quite strong enough to naturally fend off the flies. Young children are filing blue buckets of water and taking them to classrooms. It takes two boys to carry one, but only one girl to […]

Day 8: March 31 Take Action

Day 8 Action: Arab League & Get to Know your Senators

Urgent Action 1: The New York Times reported today that “Arab Leaders Unite Behind Bashir”, claiming that the ICC indictment against him is a violation of Sudan’s sovereignty. After spending the last 4 days talking to people who have suffered for 5 years or more as a direct result of this man’s government, news like […]

Day 8: March 31

Pictures from today

Day 7: March 30

Some laughing and some singing, on an empty stomach.

We got to laugh quite a bit today.  At New Sudan School, we spent time with students again.  I asked if anyone knew a joke.  A girl in blue stood up and started singing.  The whole class erupted in laughter.  I was laughing without knowing what the song was about.  The song was in her […]

Day 7: March 30

Letters from Darfur refugees

After spending some time with students and teachers at the one of the schools in Camp Djabal, we gave them a book of letters written by a school in Georgia as part of their Save Darfur Club. We also told them about the Darfur Dream Team Sister School Program. Here are the two letters we […]

Day 7: March 30 Take Action

Day 7 Action: Write your Leaders

We must demand that our leaders pay more attention to Darfur. We need our message to be loud and consistent. Today we are asking you to spend a little more time on your daily action. Write a letter to your leader outlining what needs to happen before we will be quiet and step down from […]

Day 7: March 30

Pictures from today