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Ask Ambassador Samantha Power to Act to Stop a Problem from Hell in Darfur

Tweet Action .@AmbassadorPower: after 6 years with @BarackObama administration, is #Darfur better off or still a #ProblemFromHell? Facebook Action Before you post this message to your Facebook page, please “like” the pages of both Ambassador Samantha Power and The White House. Cut and paste the message below. Retype “Ambassador Samantha Power” and “The White […]

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Drumroll Please: Most Inspiring Genocide Education Video is…

editor’s note: this blog originally appeared on I’m proud to announce the winner of October’s Movies that Spark Activism contest of videos created by ‘Iolani School 7th graders. The videos spurred conversation and comments by those just learning that genocide still occurs today and seasoned activists who’ve been working for years to end the […]

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Movie Trailers That Spark Activism from ‘Iolani School’s 7th Graders

A BIG mahalo to ‘Iolani School world geography teacher Mr. Epstein and his talented 7th graders. After Gabriel, KTJ, and Sara-Christine of Team i-ACT brought Camp Darfur to the ‘Iolani campus, Mr. Epstein and students went the extra mile to spark social awareness by using tools – like iMovie – to create short trailers to get the message […]

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Stop The Bombing

“Stop the Bombing” is led by Sudan Democracy First Group (SFDG). The launch of the campaign marks the third anniversary of the resumption of civil war in Blue Nile and Nuba Mountains/South Kordofan. The campaign includes a series of posters calling for an end to the government of Sudan’s (GoS) aerial bombardment of civilians in […]

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Act in August: Decisive Action for Sudan

In April, Sudan’s Omar al Bashir launched a “decisive summer” military campaign throughout Sudan’s marginalized regions. In Darfur, South Kordofan/Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile the Khartoum regime has escalated bombing attacks, rebranded and legitimized the brutal Janjaweed militias as “Rapid Support Forces” operating throughout Sudan and continued to deny humanitarian aid workers access to many […]

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A Decade Long Genocide: Why Darfur…Again?

During Genocide Awareness Month 2011, I wrote this blog featuring our online zine, “Why Darfur…Again? 100 Reasons Why.” This past April 2013 marked a decade of genocide in Darfur and the question “Why Darfur…Again?” remains just as relevant. Darfur and Sudan are far from front page headlines. Recently the Government of Sudan denied 20 visa […]

Act Now featured SGN Blog This is Darfur

Obama’s Stained Legacy

Mr. Obama said that genocide is “a stain on our souls” and promised that “as a president of the United States I don’t intend to abandon people or turn a blind eye to slaughter.”

SGN Blog This is Darfur

On World Refugee Day: Think and Act Darfur

As Darfur is experiencing a dramatic spike in violence on the tenth anniversary of the crisis, Susan Rice and Samantha Power have been appointed National Security Adviser and Ambassador to the United Nations respectively.  In their new positions, they will have the unique opportunity to directly impact the U.S. and world’s response to the dire […]

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It’s In My Blood

Almost every Armenian I have met tells me, “Genocide is in my blood.” And I see this in the constant work of In His Shoes and through the annual Genocide Awareness Week organized by UC San Diego’s Armenian Student group. Not only do these groups work to raise awareness about the genocide committed against their […]

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Stop Bashir – New Petition and Video

The Collectif Urgence Darfour have created this short video and new petition to Ban Ki-Moon at To sign the petition look for “Etats Unis” under country. Please watch it, and share it!