Today’s Action Call the President. 1 (202) 456-1111 Use this script (or your own words) “Hi. My name is ______, from ______, I am calling to encourage the President to take stronger measures to support civilian protection in Darfur. I feel the U.S. is neglecting its responsibility to protect innocent victims of violence in Darfur. […]
Tag: Darfur
I miss my family. My wife, Zahara, has been sending me text messages to our satellite phone and e-mails to the one account we download now and then. I’ve been away for a week now. It is the first time in four years that I miss Mimi’s soccer game. Zahara told me that she scored […]
i-ACT: Day Two
Today’s Action Tell your friends about i-ACT. Talk to at least five friends about the crisis in Darfur and invite them to participate in i-ACT. Be a part of the solution. Let’s spread the word. –Rachel
11/19 10:10pm Today was good. What would seem an insignificant event back home, becomes a monumental success in N’d. We were able to send e-mail from our laptop, through the satellite modem, to Yuen-Lin in Palo Alto, CA. It was exciting! The champagne would have been flowing, if we had any. Yuen-Lin, our tech guru […]
i ACT: Our Plan
Chris and I have been talking about he 21 days and the stories we want to capture and share. This is what our expectations are, and we fully know that our plans could be completely changed by the reality on the ground. The story of the 21 days will be divided into three stories, which […]
We’re on our way! i-ACT is on the Move
Hello everyone, Chris and I are on our way to the Chad/Darfur border. We have not left the US, though. We’re in the beautiful city of Atlanta, GA, hanging out at the airport (actually, I have not hooked up with Chris, but he should be around here). One of these days, I have to come […]