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Category: i-ACTzine
Our e-magazine from the i-ACT team with updates, and a look into our current efforts to spread awareness about what is happening in Sudan.
Check out the latest issue of i-ACTzine
This Sunday is World Refugee Day. This year’s theme is “Home: They can take my Home but not my Future”. Learn more about how you can be a part of it. Read more here
Going back to the camps
Hello Friends & Familia: A year ago, I spent New Year’s in Eastern Chad, where hundreds of thousands of Darfuri refugees have been living for years. I did not really get to celebrate New Year’s. This year, on my fourth trip to the camps, I am also close to departing but do get to celebrate […]
As we begin a new year, many of us will think about what we accomplished since January 1, 2007 and set our goals for 2008. But in Darfur, the hope will remain the same: to return home, leave the camps behind and begin to rebuild their lives as people, as mothers, fathers and children of […]
Stop Genocide Now team members gather this week in Los Angeles to prepare for our fourth trip to the camps and my first trip into a conflict region. Our time is spent following up with UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) contacts, checking satellite connections, charging video cameras and, for me, learning an entirely […]
Hopes, Dreams, and Thanks
A few days from now, we will be celebrating Thanks Giving here in the US. Two years ago, I spent Thanks Giving visiting refugee camps in Eastern Chad. One thing that amazed me then and during my two visits since to the camps is how grateful the refugees are for what they have. After having […]
Dr. William Samelson

Meet Holocaust Survivor, Dr. William Samelson, interned in Nazi labor and concentration camps at the age of 11.
However the spokesperson, activist or actress wants to call it, we are all asking the same thing, “China, stop funding the genocide in Darfur, Sudan. You have the economic leverage with Khartoum to end this violence tomorrow.” But why are activists pressuring China and how much leverage do they really have with the Government of […]
Introducing KTJ
Greetings SGN community! I am proud to be working with you all. Since July I have been working with the core team and recently have begun traveling with Gabriel and Camp Darfur. My background is in community development and organizing and I am eager to share these skills with you and the community of Darfurians […]
Each day I open my computer and the BBC news pops up as my home page. I respect the BBC because their news system is far more balanced and community-based than ours here in the States. Almost daily in the past week, BBC has posted a front page report about an attack on Darfur. The […]
En Español

Jorge Holly, quien trabaja para el Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados, platico con nosotros en Julio 2007 sobre la situacion en Darfur y la vida dificil de los sobrevivientes.