Humanitarian organizations want to be giving the people of Darfur more food, and quicker. With the rough economy, rising food costs, and insecurity, they need your help to do so. We know that our own economy is not doing so well, but we all still eat enough food. Please donate to Friends of the WFP […]
Category: Day 9: Aug 9, 2008
The first week of the month is Food Distrubution. Follow Husnan as
she, and other women, pick up their monthly food rations for a family
of 5.
Help increase their food rations, and share their stories at your place of worship. Find out more below.

Download a printable copy Husna Head of Household Camp Oure Cassoni Sudanese Husna carries the blue UNHCR card which states how many family members are registered, and therefore, how much food they will recieve this month for 5. Who knows how many unregistered people she has to feed. Every month she lines up with her […]
Per person per day

.04 cups sugar = 31 .07lbs cereal = 116 .05 cups oil = 96 .17 cups yellow split peas = 114 .47lbs grain = 660 Total: 1017 1017 calories per day is what a person at camp Oure Cassoni gets. They get that, if they do not share with other refugees that are not registered […]
Hungry, Dependent, Stuck

We spent seven days straight in Camp Oure Cassoni and not once did we see a person or a family eating. When asked what they had eaten that day, many replied, just tea. Yet we have seen women carrying jugs of water from stations to their homes daily. We have seen two different groups of […]