Day 2: July 11, 2007 中文


00:04 – 00:18 [佳百列] 今天,我们参观我们在联合国难民署就职的朋友, 安妮. 与去年一样,她依旧精力充沛. 00:19 – 00:35 [安妮] 请记住,你们可以去探访难民, 是很幸运的一件事 – 少许人享有这项特权. 其实你们到达这里已不简单 – 这需要非常特殊的规划和筹备. 00:36 – 01:19 [安妮] 让我讲一讲你们去年来访后, 这里说发生的变化. 其中一大盛事, 自2006年11月,乍得人逃离家园的人数增加了3倍,至173,000人. 他们现在暂居这里的南方. 边界的12个难民营依然存在. 01:19 – 01:57 [安妮] 想要难民回返家园之前, 治安/安全是我们必须关注的第一件事.达尔富尔人民说面对的情势与此相同. 我们不能在这里可保持最低安全水平之前, 要求流离失所者返回原籍地. 01:58 – 02:37 [安妮] 最近那些对袭击的象是人道主义机构的雇员, 不是因为他们工作,或针对这些机构,而是因为他们有车,收音机和资产. 在阿贝歇,在乍得东部最大的城市,那里有很多人道主义工作者居住, 我们那里发生武装人员盗入宾馆,夜间射击. 02:38 – 03:04 [安妮] 他们已经杀死了警卫. 我们必须非常小心, 因为你正在迈入一个将是艰难和危险的领域,这危险是因为你无法预测将发生什么事. 这并不是电影般的狂野西部, 但问题是,你无法预料会有什么事情发生. 03:05 – […]

Day 2: July 11, 2007 En Français

Résumé du deuxième jour du voyage au Tchad

Jour n°2, 11 juillet 2007 Interview d’un officier en chef au Haut Comité des Réfugiés des Nations Unies, Ann Mayman.Elle est en poste à N’Djamena. Elle explique comment la situation sur place, au Tchad oriental se dégrade. Elle dit que les mouvements des réfugiés a triplé depuis Novembre 2006. Tant que la sécurité n’est pas […]

Day 2: July 11, 2007

More replies from Connie

Connie replies to more comments from Gina, Daniel, Rachel, and KT-J.

Day 2: July 11, 2007

More of Connie’s Responses to Day 2 Comments

Connie replies to Zaharita, her mom, Kristen and Lisa.

Day 2: July 11, 2007

Comment replies from Gabriel

Gabriel’s Responses to Day 2 Comments from Gina, Daniel, Rachel, Mimi, Katie-Jay, Tere, his mom, Duxiangjun, Gayle, MaryAnn, Sylvia and Zaharita. :)

Day 2: July 11, 2007

Yuen-Lin’s Day 2 journal

Hello friends and family :) Apologies for my silence so far; I have been quite swamped with tech work! We are exploring new ways of making the personal connections between you and the people of Darfur ever more personal, and ever closer to being just like neighbours though many miles apart. The energy and commitment […]

Day 2: July 11, 2007

Connie’s Journal 3

N’Djamena UNHCR (United Nations High Comissioner on Refugees) What would the world do without these organizations? It takes very, very special people to do this kind of work. Certainly you must be compassionate and at the same time strong, to be able to live in these sorts of places and also to be productive. There […]

Day 2: July 11, 2007

Gabriel’s Journal 2

N’Djamena, 4:01am (N’D Time) Team i-ACT, but more of a Family We call ourselves a team, but there’s lots of love between this small group of people that came together because of something as horrible as genocide. Well, thinking about it as I type, we did not come together because of the horrible. We came […]

Day 2: July 11, 2007

Gabriel’s Journal

N’Djamena, 3:20am (N’D Time) It’s too late to sleep now, so I’ll write. We need to be at the airport before 6am, and there’s still packing to do. We have to figure out what is essential and what can stay, if it needs to. They have a weight limit that is considerably less than Air […]