
Why Darfur…Again? 100 Reasons Why
Reason #1: It is real people, just like you, that are affected.
Didn’t we take care of Darfur years ago? Isn’t it more important to deal with the North-South conflict, only a month away from the referendum? Why Darfur, again? Why Darfur, now? Starting today, tune in to i-ACT9, webcasting from the Chad-Darfur border for eleven consecutive days, and 100 reasons why we should act for peace, […]
I went for a run today, laps on a dirt track. Each lap is about 20 seconds, and the track is surrounded by tall walls with barbed wire. The UNHCR compound feels secure, but I’m not sure how safe these walls actually are, if armed men really wanted to get in. There is no armed […]
The people of Djabal are so beautiful and welcoming. Each time we return I feel more and more at home in this community. People remember my name and they ask about Yuen Lin, Ian, and Eric, all of whom spent many days in this camp. They always thank those who have come before and hope […]
Reason #4: Little boys have a right to a future that doesn’t include child soldier recruitment Reason #5: Darfuri children have a right to a good education that will help them build a better Darfur. (Obama School’s first new classrooms supported by people like you.) Reason #6: Adef’s twins, Bashir and Bashar, now seven, appear […]
Tell five friends that the i-ACT team has reached the Darfuri refugee camps and to follow us in the coming days. Join the National Week of Action for Sudan, sign the Sudan Now Petition and share it with your community!