i-ACT i-ACT 3: July 10 - 20, 2007

i-ACT is Interactive Activism:

We use technology to reject the standard excuse of inaction – ignorance We debunk the myth that ordinary people cannot stop genocide We replace statistics with names, faces and stories The age of bystanders should long have passed – we have entered an age of knowledge which empowers us to protect. Join us as an […]

Day 1: July 10, 2007

In the Air

Air France flight, LA to Paris, 10:52pm (SPT) I switched malaria pills. On my first two trips to Chad, to the refugee camps on the border with Darfur, I’ve taken the one-a-week pill. They worked well for me during the trips, with little effects on my mind or body, but they kept my head in […]

Day 1: July 10, 2007 En Español

Traducción del video en Español

Puede leer la traducción del video en español aqui. Traducido por Connie.