Active international pressure to promote free and fair elections in the DRC is now vital – and US policy towards Congo is failing.

James is i-ACT's web and graphic designer and main video editor. As a full-time staff member, he also does a little bit of everything to keep all the projects running.
Active international pressure to promote free and fair elections in the DRC is now vital – and US policy towards Congo is failing.
SGN staff update you on important developments from Sudan and around the world as the #SudanRevolts protests go viral for a second time. Send us your thoughts and comments on Facebook and send us your photos of events related to the protests in Sudan. *please be aware that there are many photos circulating falsely identified as originating during the […]
Adam is a Darfuri teacher who lived as a refugee in Chad for almost ten years. He decided to go back to Darfur, despite the recent increase in violence and chaos. He is somewhere inside Darfur with his wife and nine children. Adam is sending regular text messages from Darfur, sharing his thoughts, common—and sometimes […]
Tell President Obama to use his next term to engage personally in Sudan policy and change course from his Administration’s current approach.
That’s a dubious new record for a conflict that’s claimed nearly 40,000 lives and displaced some 4 million people. The numbers are staggering to comprehend. Imagine watching a film with 11,000 different shots of people taking that last step out of Syria into the unknown.
SGN staff update you on important developments from Sudan and around the world as the #SudanRevolts protests go viral.
The team returns to camp Goz Amer and is welcomed by old friends.
If you type the word magnificent into a Thesaurus, in return you will get a list of adjectives that will describe my day. If you type the name Umbda into the Thesaurus, nothing will come back in return. However, the words that could be there are; amazing, leader, servant, savior, teacher, inspiring, courageous, moving, loving, […]
The i-ACT team finally arrives in Kou Kou, the forward operating base for UNHCR in Camp Goz Amer.
My return trip to Chad has been a bit surreal. The last time I was here, I was evacuated from my N’Djamena hotel by French military in an armored HV after two days of rebel attacks on the city – and one very intense moment as the rebels plastered our hotel with their machine guns. […]