Day 1: July 10, 2007


N’Djameena river I woke up today and it was overcast. I was glad because we were expecting sunny hot days, and it turned out to be nice as far as weather goes. This was the perfect set up (the gloomy overcast) to the to feeling I experienced going about our errands. We took a taxi and along the way to the different agencies we saw the people here in the city walking, riding their bikes and many on motorcycles and mopeds. What stands out in my mind is that everyone has a sad gloomy look, just like the weather. The military is present everywhere and that also made me feel uneasy. Other than that everything went well . We got all our permits to move about in the country, but I keep thinking how difficult life may be here and in many parts of Africa, and can you imagine now the refugees running for safety, after their ordeal in Darfur? WOW I am very fortunate and will smile a lot more just like a sunny day!

Amor y paz, Connie.

10 replies on “Overcast”

Be safe. I hope all goes well. Hopefully this horrible act of inhumanity is near its end. Until then, Peace

Good to hear from you all. Connie, we also woke up to a gloomy overcast here in LA today so in a sense I also felt it was the appropriate setting to read your comments and watch the video as I felt inline with the journey you are getting underway and which many of us will follow and support you in over these next days. You guys may feel honored and humbled to be there but the fact that you are there and you have taken on this task definitely makes you worthy.

Hola Teresa,
Thank’s for your support always. I’m happy that we will be together on the road and looking forward to more of your comments.

Hi Pam O’
We are very happy you have joined us and thank-you for you well wishes.

Hola Gabe, Connie and Yuen-Lin,

Aqui en casita todos estamos siguiendoles. Ayer y hoy he estado repartiendo “fliers” para que mas gente se una al activsmo. Cuidense mucho. Los extranamos muchisimo.

Hola, Connie!

We admire you and Yuen-Lin for your courage in following your heart and conscience on this i-ACT journey to help those refugees suffering from this genocide. Your smiles, compassion, and encouraging message will touch many. Gabriel is lucky to have you join him with your support and experience. Please pass our congratulations and well wishes to Stacey on her happy news Gabriel passed along. Our prayers from San Antonio are with all of you. Take care.


Lisa Goldner and family

Hola Tere:

It has not only been overcast, but it’s been very muggy and warm. Rainy season is beginning, so we’ll see how that looks out in the desert. Today we heard that rainy can mean a reduction in violence, since groups of men can not travel from one place to another because of the rivers; that’s good. But, it’s also bad because it’s more difficult for aid organizations to get much needed supplies to where it’s needed.

Hi Pam O!

Thanks for coming along. I hope that we can all, together, figure out how to make a true, immediate impact on this crisis. You would have thought that our institutions would have evolved enough to stop these mass atrocities, but we must remember that institutions are only as good as the humans that run them. We’ll be in touch!

Lisa, hola!

Nice to see you again here with us. We’ll be coming with Camp Darfur to San Antonio in the Fall. I’m looking forward to meeting you in person. I’m sure Stace will be happy to see your note.


Hi Connie! I hope that I have a chance to meet you when you get back. I met Gabe at Duarte High School. The kids will be exicited to hear an update about Darfur.
Stay strong!
– Sylvia

Hi! Connie, Gabe,and Yuen-Lin
Admiro mucho el gran trabajo que estan haciendo para poder combatir el genocide. Cuidense muchoy los estaremos siguiendo todos los dias.

Gabo les manda muchos besossss!!!!!!

Hola Lisa G,
Thank-you for your kind words, they are so uplifting! I hope that we can also convey all the positive thoughts to our family here at the camps for they are the true courage’s people of our journey. We won’t forget the Alamo! Amor y Paz,Connie

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