Day 9: December 17

A Different Generation of Leaders (Reason #63 and Reason #64)

Dear Friends, i-ACT’s mission first and foremost is to bring forward the voice of the refugee and create real and meaningful relationships between advocates and those displaced by violence that inspire action. Yuen-Lin calls this the Culture of Participation. I truly feel that one of our supporting goals is to aid in the creation of […]

Day 6: December 14

Getting Technology into their Hands (Reason #38: Kids from Darfur are just like kids in CA)

We spent most of the day yesterday with Jimiya, Khaltouma, Rahma, Ali, Murtada, and Raouda. In the morning we trained them on CommKit. They picked it up quickly, just like our kids back home in CA can figure out the games on on my cell phones quicker than me (Reason #38)! It was so great […]

Day 1: December 9

Permanency – (Reason #3: a permanent life as a refugee is not fulfilling)

The people of Djabal are so beautiful and welcoming. Each time we return I feel more and more at home in this community. People remember my name and they ask about Yuen Lin, Ian, and Eric, all of whom spent many days in this camp. They always thank those who have come before and hope […]

Day 10: April 2

So many faces.

I have all these little faces floating through my mind. The children of camp Djabal are special, just like my two little ones back home. It’s been a rough, productive, exhausting, beautiful, sad, exhilarating trip. I just saw little Guisma’s face on the slide-show I put together. I wonder if she thinks about her baby […]

Day 9: April 1

Just a bit sad

I am feeling a bit overwhelmed tonight. I have been trying to think about what to write and how to write it for some hours now. I guess I will just let my fingers type and see what comes of it. Tomorrow, we leave after six amazing days in this refugee camp. Six days that […]

Day 6: March 29

We Hope for Stronger, Not Weaker

It’s hard to see it when I am in front of them. When I return to our little compound at night and look through past slides, it becomes apparent. When I toggle between pictures from today and from last January of our friends here in camp Djabal, the difference is like night and day. The […]

i-ACT i-ACT 7: March 23 - Apr 1, 2009

Safe in Chad

Gabriel, Katie-Jay and Yuen-Lin have safely arrived in Chad! Their flight was delayed leaving Los Angeles, which made their transit in Paris very ‘exhilirating’. Their bags haven’t arrived yet though, but they will continue making preparations to head out to camps while they are there.  Read more thoughts from Gabriel here.

En Français

Reportage sur le jour n°10

Pour les supporters Envoyé par Yuen-Lin le 28 janvier 2008-01-29 Chers amis, Je vous remercie d’être toujours avec nous depuis le début. Je sais par les statistiques faites sur notre site que nous ne touchons pas directement des dizaines de milliers de personnes. Mais en même temps cela me réconforte de savoir que ceux que […]

Day 3: Jan 21, 2008

Can’t think of a title… so here’s the journal for Day 3

G’s Journal for Day 3 Guereda I’m having a hard time getting started on writing tonight. Many times, if not usually, I let it flow when I’m very tired to exhausted. Right now I’m there, but it’s not flowing. I read the comments from all of you, responding to KTJ’s and my journal entries. They […]

i-ACT 3: July 10 - 20, 2007

Day 10 video late live!

Hi everyone, Gabriel, Connie and Yuen-Lin are on a flight right now. Our fearless field team will be uploading their video and blog entries a little later today. Please check back later. Thanks for following i-ACT, and we’ll see you later today! EDIT: Day 10 is now live! Watch it here.