Seeking Empathy - A One Month Refugee Diet

Jeremiah’s Journal – Day 9

I feel much better now that my headaches are gone.  I had a constant, pounding headache that started the morning of day three and went to day seven.  They have now past, which I am extremely grateful for.   I imagine it was my body adjusting to not getting enough sugars, carbs, or something. I am […]

Seeking Empathy - A One Month Refugee Diet

Eric’s Journal – Day 8

Today Eric is in Washington D.C. for the Tents of Hope event on the National Mall. He brought his rations and a small cookware set with him and cooked his meals in his hotel room.

Seeking Empathy - A One Month Refugee Diet

Eric’s Journal – Day 5

Today is day 5 and I just finished doing some light yard-work at my Grandma’s house. I only worked for a half-hour, and didn’t do anything very intense. I managed OK, but toward the end I could tell that I wouldn’t be able to keep it up for much longer. I am thinking about all […]

Seeking Empathy - A One Month Refugee Diet

Jeremiah’s Journal – Day 1 thru Day 4

I am now four days into this little journey.  I was thinking about perspective vs. sacrifice.  It is taking me a lot of sacrifice (at least in my mind) to gain a little perspective on the life of a refugee.  Yet this sacrifice, compared to what the refugees live through, is absolutely nothing.  And four […]

Seeking Empathy - A One Month Refugee Diet

Eric’s Journal – Day 3

Today is the 3rd day of my refugee diet. I’m sitting at my desk at work eating my lunch of a 1/2 cup of cracked wheat and a teaspoon of sugar. I cooked it on the stove this morning while I got ready for work, and reheated it in the microwave. This morning I watched […]

Seeking Empathy - A One Month Refugee Diet

Introduction Video

The introduction video to show the daily rations of the refugees living in camps of Eastern Chad.

Seeking Empathy - A One Month Refugee Diet

Seeking Empathy – One Month of a Refugee’s Rations.

Empathy: ability to understand and share the feelings of another. How do we achieve empathy for another person?  I imagine in certain situations it is possible to share the feelings of another, but to share and understand the sufferings of a refugee, well, that is another thing. However, over the past year I have come […]

Seeking Empathy - A One Month Refugee Diet

Daily food intake

Based on what we observed on our most recent trip to Chad, Jeremiah and Eric will try to closely match the daily rations of a Darfur refugee. Cracked Wheat – Daily, 7 oz. (weight not volume) (686 Calories) Farina Wheat Cereal – Daily – 1.17 oz  (weight not volume) (123 Calories) Yellow Split Peas – […]

Seeking Empathy - A One Month Refugee Diet Take Action

November Fast: Jeremiah’s Calorie-for-Calorie Month-long Fast Alongside Darfuri Refugees

For most in the United States, November is a month to give thanks. On Thanksgiving Day, we gather at our homes and enjoy great food and the company of loved ones. Refugees in and from Darfur have been deprived of a home; many of their loved ones have been killed; and they lack enough of […]