Hi everybody! It’s been a long trip from L.A. to N’Djamena, but we are here and I’m excited to begin our journey here in Chad and grateful that many friends and family are making this experience possible .My hope is that this is a safe, dynamic and learning encounter, and that the people we have come to visit at the different camps receive through us your message: We will not stand for genocide and we will act!
Amor y Paz, Connie.
We have arrived!

7 replies on “We have arrived!”
Hi Connie, Gabriel, and Yuen-Lin,
Thanks so much for taking time out of your busy schedules to care about others. This alone helps to bring the message home…Caring…
I think that all of us at home should also feel honored, humbled, and responsible for helping get the Darfurians home.
Looking forward to following your journey…
R. (Torrance, CA)
So happy you made it safely. What you are doing is wonderful, thank you so much for letting us be a part of it.
good luck. duarte high school has you in our thoughts. we are looking foward to meeting our “family”. joe
Hi Everyone!
We are excited to have started our mission and are working hard to get it to you. Carolyn is working nonstop to get the website and video up as soon as possible so we can share our experiences. Please be patient and check in regularly.
Hey Rachel,
I’m sure you would do the same if you could. You have always been very helpful even with your busy schedule. “Caring” we have to teach our kid’s so that their future is without genocide. Thanks for your support with this project and we will keep in touch.
A big shout out to Duarte High School. Gabriel mentioned the wonderful work and reception you kids gave him when he went to present Camp Darfur.Keep up the good work! Thanks for following us.
Hello, Maryann,
We will keep safe, and yes we all want it to end as soon as possible thank-you for joining us on this journey.
Amor y paz,
Hey Rach!
Thanks for all the help and being a part of the i-ACT team back home. It’s been so much work for all of you! We’ll try and do a good job on this side, to match all that the rest of the team is doing.
Hi Maryann!
Thanks for coming with us and reading all of our entries and keeping us company. I’m sorry that you have to see and hear so much from us, and not any of the people we came her to visit, but we’ll get there soon.
Hey Joe!
Very nice to hear from you. Camp Darfur at Duarte was such a wonderful experience. The young people get it, and they have to thank you for bringing it to their attention. Hi to all in Duarte, and we’ll connect you with families and individuals very soon.
Yeah you arrived safely! Thanks for taking a stand and for breing in the front lines of this genocide. My heart goes out to our family that is suffering such atrocities.
Hola Cany:
Felicidades por esta labor que estas haciendo. Que todo salga muy bien.