Day 3: Nov 23, 2005


Today’s Action

Call the President. 1 (202) 456-1111

Use this script (or your own words)

“Hi. My name is ______, from ______, I am calling to encourage the President to take stronger measures to support civilian protection in Darfur. I feel the U.S. is neglecting its responsibility to protect innocent victims of violence in Darfur. President Bush should lead the world in a strong response to this terrible humanitarian crisis, by putting pressure on the Security Council and other nations to create the means for civilian protection in Darfur and address this humanitarian catastrophe.”

Take the Darfur Pledge: Commit to calling or e-mailing the President DAILY.

Go to and sign up.

Commit to two calls per week. Go to


4 replies on “Action”

Chris and Gabriel,

Seeing and hearing the Child Protection Officer was so REAL. Thanks for capturing it for us all back here in America. This is inspiring. Great job!


Hi Gabriel!
This is Shelley from Pam’s Soc class at MSMC! I think that what you’re doing is absolutly amazing and inspirational!

I have been emailing the President as often as I remember and sent the Pledge to the whole student community here at The Mount! I am hopeful it will be effective!

You (and your family)inspired me to become more invloved and to keep up to date with Darfur and the happenings there and I know that through this interactive program many more will be inspired as well.

Best wishes to you and Chris, I know you are changing lives.

Be Well,

Hi Gabe,
It was great to put faces behind the names “Chris” and “Martin” and they are so inspirational as well. I hope by now you made it to Abeche and I can’t wait to wake up tomorrow morning to see the next clip. It’s been so interesting to follow your every step and feel a part of it all. I’ve 2nd Javi in passing on the word to as many people as possible. I know many are following. Teresa

Excellent initiative; I will follow you all 21 days long. I’m going to Darfour soon too so that’s interesting for me.

Please do not talk about “muslim militia”; this is totally nonsense since everybody is of muslim religion in Darfour. Islam and religion have nothing to do in that conflict.

Thanks to change that!

Good luck !


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