Day 0: Preparations

Made it to Abeche!

As always, it’s quite an adventure just to make it even close to a camp. It is now June 14th here. We left Los Angeles on June 10th. We are closer to our first camp, but still a flight and a short drive away–two more days. It is really good to be traveling with our […]

Day 0: Preparations

Eric’s Hotel Journal

It’s 3:26 AM in N’Djamena right now. Today we went to the UNHCR building to submit our paperwork to get all of the stamps and signatures we need to legally travel to the eastern part of Chad. I don’t have anything really interesting to say right now. I’ve just been busy with working on testing […]

Day 0: Preparations

Eric’s Travel Journal – 1

During this flight I have been trying to imagine what it will be like for us in the camps and I’m coming up blank. I feel like we are about to be dropped into the pages of a history book… into a section that should have never been started, a section that is running on […]

Day 0: Preparations

Pictures from Day 0

Day 0: Preparations

Let Us Open Ourselves

Tears almost instantly begin to gather on my lower eyelids when I think of the chance to see Dajhima, Achta, Amhoush, and the other women of Darfur. I can see their eyes so clearly in my mind – when they smile and when they speak of the horrors they have survived. They are survivors. Strong, […]

i-ACT i-ACT 8: June 15 - 24, 2009

Join Us. Be i-ACT.

Dear Friends and Family, Tomorrow I board an Air France flight to Paris, then N’Djamena, and within a few days will reach Camp Djabal. I feel rather calm in our preparations for this trip, although I may be leaving many things unfinished. I think mostly I am simply beginning to protect myself because I know […]

i-ACT 8: June 15 - 24, 2009

Help spread the word, link to us!

Help us spread the word about our upcoming i-ACT by displaying our dynamic banners on your website. Banners come in 2 sizes, and will be updated daily with the latest frame captures from our new videos. Copy and paste the code above the banner you’d like and you’re all set! Note: Please do not store […]

i-ACT 8: June 15 - 24, 2009

i-ACT 8 starts June 15

i-ACT Team returns to Darfuri refugee camps in Chad. Departing on June 10th, the team will be reporting on a regular basis, with 10 consecutive days of daily video webcasts beginning on June 15th. More details will be posted in the coming days, please sign up  on our mailing list (see “SIGN UP FOR UPDATES” […]