Take Action

We ARE the Political Will to end Genocide

We, the people, are the political will that will motivate our leaders to take action. President Obama has appointed a special envoy, J Scott Gration, but we need more immediate action that will change the situation in the ground. As noted recently in an op-ed by Enough Project’s John Prendergast and Jim Wallis, Obama Can Make a Difference in Darfur.

He has top advisors and in contact with our movement’s leaders. What we need to do is continue putting high and consistent pressure on our leaders – locally, at the State level, and directly on the Obama Administration.

Things you can do:

1. At least once a day please call President Obama at 202.456.1111 (9am-5pm EST Monday-Friday), State Department at 202.647.6575 (call anytime to leave a message), or text Secretary Clinton at 90822 and tell them:

“I am from _____ and I want the Obama Administration to uphold his promises of action for Darfur with ‘unstinting resolve.’ Work to get aid back into Darfur. Create a multilateral peace plans for all of Sudan. Work to isolate al-Bashir from his allies and support the ICC. ”

2. Call 1-800-GENOCIDE (1-800-436-6243) to contact your Senators and Congressional leaders. Many around the country are meeting them to be stronger advocates for Darfur as food, water, and medicine runs dry.

3. Stay up-to-date about what is going on inside of Darfur at While We Wait and Damanga

4. April 29th will mark the 100th day of office for Obama, and yet another 100 days of inaction for Darfur. From now until April 29th, we need to be loud and consistent in our words. On April 27th, Mia Farrow, supported by a group of our movement’s leaders and by people like you, will start a hunger strike. Stay tuned for more details on Darfur Fast for Life.

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