Day 8: March 31 Take Action

Day 8 Action: Arab League & Get to Know your Senators

Urgent Action 1: The New York Times reported today that “Arab Leaders Unite Behind Bashir”, claiming that the ICC indictment against him is a violation of Sudan’s sovereignty. After spending the last 4 days talking to people who have suffered for 5 years or more as a direct result of this man’s government, news like this is very hard to read. Regardless of the type of government a country has, the opinion of its citizenry has an impact, especially when that opinion is shared by many. If you have friends, relatives or colleagues with links to countries represented in the Arab League, talk to them about Darfur. Point them to the i-ACT website. Share with them the voices of the refugees. Truth will prevail.

Action 2: Calling and writing our leaders is important, and provides consistency in our message that we will not accept genocide in Darfur any longer. But we also need to shift our actions to match the urgency necessary to stop the dying in Darfur. We need you and your community to bring Darfur to your Senate office. This would be an opportunity to thank them if they have acted for Darfur and share stories, photos or videos of Darfuris and ask them to be a Darfur advocate. Start to organize a sit-in at your Senators office by taking these easy steps::

1. Look up your Senators, and their offices. Are they on any special committees like Human Rights or Foreign Policy? Get to know their Darfur Score.
2. Discuss the opportunity with your friends, family and community. Gather a list of those who may potentially participate.
3. If you are interested in doing this action, send an email to i-actinfo[at]

And as always, please continue to Wake Up, Brush your Teeth, Call your Leaders

Los Angeles Action: Please join us on Sunday, April 5th 1:00 pm for an Interfaith Sedar @ the LA Federal Building on Wishire Blvd! Download the updated flyer.

3 replies on “Day 8 Action: Arab League & Get to Know your Senators”

I am going to make a poster board with photographs and quotes from i-ACT 7 to have on display at the rally. Any suggestions on particular pictures you want me to include?

Hey E!
Very cool idea! I think perhaps the ones we have names for on one part of the poster board – so their picture and their name. To make it real. Then maybe another that focuses on living conditions? tents, water collection, animals. etc.?

What do you think?

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