Last time we were in Camp Kounoungo, Adam thanked the American people for taking action, but encouraged us to do more. “We need action,” he said. As we always say at SGN, our leaders will not do the right thing, because its the right thing to do. We need to tell them what is important to us. Take State-wide action by dialing 1-800 GENOCIDE and pressure your Senators and Representatives. We also need to continue reaching out and educating people locally: join the Tents of Hope campaign, now in 9 countries! Take long term action to prevent future genocide by becoming a GI Net Rapid Response Member.
Remember this weekend to bring the faces and stories of our friends to your place of worship. Say a prayer for Darfur, and make a commitment to actively end the violence.
Action: Put on the pressure!

2 replies on “Action: Put on the pressure!”
I remember this gentleman from the video very well. I remember how he walked away from the camera in a gesture of frustration, and how the camera followed him around the corner. It had a haunting effect on me. So his name is Adam?
I can hardly believe that you’ve run into Chadian rebel movements …… again! Will be praying for you and Darfur today, every day, but especially on Sunday.
Just a small correction — (not .com)