Gabriel replies to well wishes from Melva, JC, Jav, Tsai Yi, Mimi Schiff and Ashis.
Hola Melva!
Gracias por tus palabras y por seguirnos en nuestro viaje. Ya pronto les va a tocar ver por que (o quienes) venimos tan lejos. –Gabriel
Hey JC:
Thanks for your help and for following along on the trip. I’ll keep Connie in line and working hard on this side ☺ –Gabriel
Hi Jav:
Saludos a toda la familia! We do look good, huh!? Well, it also be that I spend hours and hours editing and looking for the shots that favor us. –Gabriel
Tsai Yi!
Yes, genocide as word, as a concept, as a reality is overwhelming, and that’s probably why we decide to turn the other way as it happens. We have to confront it. I hope that i-ACT makes it a little easier for many to take that first step. When you see the face of a child of a beautiful child, it is also overwhelming, but in a different way. –Gabriel
Hello Mimi Schiff:
You are so right. It is sad that we come back to this area, and we do not have good news for the people we visit. There is some good news, though. So many people like you care and want to do more to change the way the world responds to genocide and mass atrocities. Mimi, thanks for always keeping following us on our trips. –Gabriel
I’m sorry we have missed each other on my two trips, but I know we’ll connect soon. Let me know how long you’ll be in the US and what cities you’ll be visiting. Thanks for all that you have done for your friends at the camp. They must miss you so much! –Gabriel