Day 2: July 11, 2007

Connie’s Journal 3


UNHCR (United Nations High Comissioner on Refugees)

What would the world do without these organizations? It takes very, very special people to do this kind of work. Certainly you must be compassionate and at the same time strong, to be able to live in these sorts of places and also to be productive. There are many different non-governmental organizations (NGOs) working here. Many religious groups have come to help. I am impressed with all the good work Ann has done all over the world and grateful that people like her are out there sometimes risking there lives. Let’s support these organizations. They are the pillars that hold this whole crisis here at the camps in Chad, from becoming an even larger tragedy. Amor y paz, Connie

6 replies on “Connie’s Journal 3”

Thank you for being there. The people of Darfur need for you to show the world what is going on there. We need you to show us, make us aware, so we can come together to stop this horrible thing from continuing. Be safe

Hi Connie,
How is it going in your first trip to Africa?Well,remamber that Im always here to support.Hope that your first trip goes well.

Hola, Connie!

Your interview with Ann Mayman was a great opening for your team to set the outlook for your time in Chad. I know Gabriel has stated before that it’s distressing to find little changed, and often worsened conditions in the camps on return visits. Yet, you all seem to bring in a fresh load of hope to these people, and their resilience serves to remind all of us we must continue to work towards helping them secure their safety and maybe, one day, be able to return to their homes. Have faith in what you are doing. You have our deepest respect. Take care.


Lisa Goldner

hey connie!
the organizations…the people that choose to spend their lives, everyday in the situation on the ground, its hard to think about what would happen if they didn’t exist. I have a friend who is in CAR now who was in Darfur for 11 months. She was back in Portland for a few months last April and couldn’t wait to get back. She knew without people like her, lives would end. The turnover and burnout is extraordinary and the effects on aid and advocacy workers after is undescribable. I have applied to many jobs in CAR and Darfur in the past few months and often wonder how I would really react to some situations.

I am glad we are part of the same team!
high spirits sister!
paz y solidad, ktj

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