A few days from now, we will be celebrating Thanks Giving here in the US. Two years ago, I spent Thanks Giving visiting refugee camps in Eastern Chad. One thing that amazed me then and during my two visits since to the camps is how grateful the refugees are for what they have. After having […]
Category: Issue 3: Nov 2007
Camp Darfur keeps traveling around the country, joining Upstanders in action.
With your help we can END this genocide. Take 15 seconds of your day and call 1-800-GENOCIDE. Your Senators have the responsibility of passing the Sudan Accountability and Divestment Act. It passed the House 418-1 because of people like you calling and telling your representatives that you care about Darfur. Please do it again. Call today! SADA goes through the floor Nov 17.
What does SADA do?
- Authorizes and protects state and local divestment
- Authorizes asset managers to divest
- Prohibits federal contracts with foreign companies funding genocide
- Authorizes states to prohibit contracts
Dr. William Samelson

Meet Holocaust Survivor, Dr. William Samelson, interned in Nazi labor and concentration camps at the age of 11.
However the spokesperson, activist or actress wants to call it, we are all asking the same thing, “China, stop funding the genocide in Darfur, Sudan. You have the economic leverage with Khartoum to end this violence tomorrow.” But why are activists pressuring China and how much leverage do they really have with the Government of […]