SGN Blog

ICC presents evidence of GENOCIDE

On Monday July 14, 2008, the International Criminal Court Office of the Prosecutor presented evidence to the court that Sudanese President al-Bashir has committed genocide in Darfur. This includes 10 counts of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity that al-Bashir has lead for the past five years, displacing hundreds of thousands and destroying the lives of millions.

Many fear that these charges put humanitarian aid workers and UN peacekeepers on the ground at more of risk than ever before. However, the international community needs to hold Sudan more accountable if this should occur; it is the Bashir administration and their militia that hold the power to ensure aid worker and peacekeeper safety. It is also the international community’s responsibility to support the ICC and Luis Moreno-Ocampo’s efforts by telling our leaders of their responsibility to protect the innocent civilians of Darfur and pursue peace in a region that has seen only death of their families, destruction of their lives, and deterioration of their culture for the past five years.

Please call the President at 202 456 1111 or 1 800 GENOCIDE and tell him to continue support of the ICC OTP decision and ensure that the UNSC continues to support ICC action.

It is our support of the ICC that will move our leader to support the work of the ICC – be active. Your voice is the voice of Adam, Fatna, and Mansur.

One reply on “ICC presents evidence of GENOCIDE”

The answer to genocide is for the UN Security Council to tell NATO Special Forces to capture Bashir and try him in the Intrenational Criminal Court. Why the stalling? The answer is so obvious.

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