Day 6: July 15, 2007

Connie’s Responses to Comments from Day 6

Response to Day 6 comments from Mami, Zahara, Karine, Gayle, Wally, Tere, Mimi, Meron, Daniel and Andrez!

Hey Mami,
Si es mucho muy dificil ver la situacion tan drastica de esta gente y pues la verdad nosotros ya nos encarinamos con ellos pues nos reciben y nos atienden como si fueramos familia,pobrecitos se pescan de nosotros como si nosotros mismos pudieramos aliviarles su desgracia.Y pues ,Gabe Yuen lin y Yo bien dentro de las circunstansias tan dificiles de lograr esta mission.No te apures y saludame a todos.Amor y Paz ,Cany

Hola Zahara,
Gracias por las porras. Si a muchos de los ninos se les hace muy chistoso cuando hanlo con ellos y USO ya sabes mi animacion de gestos y manerismos. Hoy una nina estaba atacada de la risa de lo blanco que estan las palmas de mis manos.Y ayer todas se reiron porque les pregunte que si me podian trenzar el pelo como ellas,me dijeron que para nada, burlandose de mis grenas! Besitos para los muppets.Amor y Paz,Connie.

Hi Karine,
Thanks for being a true humanitarian. I wish that this effort brought forth a million more Karines in the world. Amor y Paz,Connie.

Gabe received your message. HE says that if You didn’t have him doing stuff he would get around to his journal. And yes we are sending a powerful message.Now we need to work on a powerful response!Thanks for your never ending support! Amor y Paz,Connie.

Dear Wally,
I also wish you were here. You are great company always, and I miss you very much. Thank you for spreading the word, maybe we can touch enough peoples heart to make a change for these poor unfortunate people of Darfur. At this moment, Yuen Lin, Gabe and I are at the hut (very tiny hut) where we write and Gabe edits the video it takes many hours work ,to technically be able to send this to every one. So thanks for appreciating all the hard work. Say hi to Frank and Ily and every one over there. Amor y Paz, Connie.

Hi Tere,
They gather for this assembly everyday!The teachers had no idea that we would be there.Yes you get the sense that they all want to be educated and productive.Adam the ex-teacher was telling us though that all these people were very poor also in Sudan after many years of neglect by their government,so most of them here have grammer level if that.He told us he wishes that some of these kids would be taken out to the word and be educated by our best schools so that they can come back and help their people.Let’s only hope !Amor y Paz,Connie

Hey Mimi,
Thanks for supporting us every day! The kids are cramped up in the classrooms and they don’t even have chairs or desks,they all sit on mats.You are very fortunate to go to a great school there in the USA.I know that you also love to go to school as much as these kids!Amor y Paz,Connie.

Hi Meron,
Yes our youth really does not appreciate the wonderful opportunities they have and that it is possible to dream and be whatever you want because of those opportunities. These kids may dream but it is almost impossible under the current conditions to make them real.
Gabe loves kids just the same as my other brothers, and you can tell just by watching him when he is around them. Amor y Paz,Connie.

Gracias Ira y Daniel,
Si estamos hechandole muchas ganas! Que bien que les guste el reportaje aver si asi tambien se conectan mas latinos con este projecto.

Hi Andrez!!!!
Isn’t this great that you can connect with this kids and watch and listen to what they have to say? Thanks for watching and yes we will return safely.Amor y Paz,Connie.

2 replies on “Connie’s Responses to Comments from Day 6”

hey guys,
nice job you guys are doing over there. those people realy need some support , keep up the good work.

Dear Yuen-Lin, Connie and Gabe~

We are all grateful to you for raising our consciousness. I am also very touched by the obvious hope you bring to the lives of the children and mothers you enter into relationship with….even if your contact with them is only for a few minutes. It is amazing how relatively little it takes for them to feel connected and valued; whether it’s by showing them a picture, jotting down their name in a note book, or simply asking them to share an opinion. Your presence brings life and hope! You can see it in their eyes and hear it in their laughter. In my opinion, this is as significant as anything anyone can do to bring change to people in need.

The macro level issues of this work can be very frustrating. Getting policy makers to care for the less fortunate will never be easy. However, history tells us that the true hope for a solution lies in having folks like you leading a grass-roots movement. Thank you for your leadership in giving us all an opportunity to be part of a movement that WILL allow our sisters and brothers from Darfur to return home.


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