Title: Commenting back
Hey Shelley:
Thank YOU! I look forward to working with you back in California; there is so much we can do! Let’s start increasing the pressure and making some more NOISE, so that our representatives and the rest of the international community take true responsibility and ACT. Let’s start directly helping some of the children we’ve met, sending them school materials, blankets, and toys. The second stage of Stop Genocide Now’s i-ACT is about to begin.
Hola Jav:
I’m also very much looking forward to kicking it back home with all the family. I wouldn’t mind getting on a plane right about now. We are pretty much stuck inside the guesthouse in Abeche. I’m getting some good time to write, but, after the rush of going to the camps, this is a bit restless. Also, we are just not sure what is happening or going to happen here in Chad. Everyone says, “Something is going on.” We asked the guy in charge of security for UNHCR, and he said that he was not sure what’s happening, but they’ll be ready to move, if needed. I’m keeping my fingers crossed, wishing the best for our Chadian friends.
Hola Moms:
Gracias por tu nota. Yo tambien espero que nuestro trabajo aqui tenga algun impacto. Voy a hacer lo posible para que si lo tenga. Nos vemos ya pronto !
Hey Juan:
Thanks for transcribing Mom’s note and for your regular comments. I’m glad you liked day 21; I did also. From the start, I’ve felt a bit nervous about if what we were sending good and effective. I’m sure it could have been a lot better, but I guess we did the best that we could, given our limitations. There was never a lack of effort, though. Gracias por todo Juan!
Mi Wicho!
Me da gusto saber que me has estado acompanando en el viaje. El nino del que hablas, el del brazo roto, se lo quebro jugando futbol, asi como miles de otros ninos por todo el mundo. Me gusto tanto ver que, con todo lo que han sufrido, siguen jugando y riendo. Me avente un buen jueguito de futbol con ellos. Todos los campamentos tienen clinica que pueden atender ese tipo the lastimaduras. Muchos de los refugiados tambien siguen yendo a curanderos tradicionales de sus tribus. Para el numero de pesonas que hay, necesitan muchos mas doctores y personal medico. Wicho, muchos saludos a todos en Monterrey!
Hey Rachel:
Thank you for keeping things running back home. I’m sure it was not easy, and you must have spent many nights with little sleep, while coordinating everything for Stop Genocide Now and i-ACT. What a privilege to be working with you and the rest of the team…all volunteers!
Hi Connie:
Thank you so much for taking in the stories of the people we met and now going out to share them with others. That is what it’s all about. There is so much power in their stories! They ARE our brothers and sisters. Let’s get them home!